A blissful day of fun.

in voilk •  last month

    Hello everyone, greetings 🙌.

    Yesterday was for the children all over, even adults were not left out as they claimed to be children and partook in the fun as well. There were various kids activities, organized by several outlets in major cities and sites.

    Some NGO's also organized a few programs and seminars to educate ypung teens within and around the community. My school (where I teach currently) was invited to one of such programs and I was asked to chaperone the students to the venue.

    About fifteen students showed interest and I chaperoned them to the venue in the morning at about 9am. The place scheduled for the program was within walking distance from the school and was very easy to locate.

    When we all arrived at the venue, we found out that we were the first school to arrive and that got us good seats at the front. The venue happened to be a hall which was beautifully decorated, chairs arranged nicely in three columns and everywhere had a lovely and welcoming ambience.

    I decided to take a quick shot of us while we were seated in the hall. Since we arrived half an hour earlier than the start up time, it afforded us the privilege to tour round the place and take several photographs.

    After frolicking around taking pictures, it was then time to commence the program for the
    day. By this time other invited schools were already present and seated ready to begin the fun journey.

    The program began with prayers then it moved to a health talk show on drug and substance abuse. The students were taken through real life stories of young teens who had either lost their lives or landed in a psychiatric ward because of substance abuse. To be frank, the stories were really frightening and I am sure that the "nail was driven home*. The alarming increased rate at which young
    children indulge in drug and substance abuse is quite scary.

    Next agenda was quiz, centered around mathematics, English studies and general paper questions. This was the most interesting part for me because I get to see different schools show their knowledge prowess and take gifts home.

    Then came the school presentations and several schools had one or two things to present. The students from my school presented a simple choreography, whuke other schools sang several songs thay had rehearsed. In all, the presentations were fun.

    The crux of the event was a debate with the topic "Indiscipline; are parents to blame?". This was a really interesting question as the debators did their best to argue in support of the motion or against the motion. Some blamed their parents while some blamed the society and the children for not imbibing the trainings they were given. What do you think about the topic of argument? Also, what's your take on the topic? and who is to blame, parents, society or the children? I would like to read your views.

    After all the competions, quizes and all, it was time for refreshments. They were given packages that contained snacks and after a short prayer, the program came to an end at about 3:30pm. The smiles on the faces of the students proved that they had fun and I also had fun with them.

    Thank you all for reading..shalom

    Images used are mine

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