Maledictus Terra Book 2: Sanguifex Part 96

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Greetings all!

    I hope the week hasn't been too rough! Today I just didn't want to get out of bed. Too many public holidays in a row makes you lazy! At least I am making good progress in my work, not so much in my other stories!

    Anyway, be sure to read @zakludick's update before you get started here!

    She sprang to her feet and reached for her blade, only to have a sapling grow from the floorboards and keep it rooted where it was.

    “Quite a little spitfire.” Came the voice that seemed to accompany the smell of a spring day.

    As if sensing her concern, Derric got up and put himself between her and the goddess. He bared his fangs at her. However, Magna could sense he was exhausted and needed a bath and perhaps a few stitches here and there.

    “Oh, aren’t you darling!” the goddess knelt and wrapped her arms around Derric.

    Two things happened simultaneously. Derric instantly relaxed and Magna became overwhelmed with jealousy. The goddess watched her with a smile before Millmor lay a hand on her shoulder.

    “You are making things far worse than they need to be.”

    “Millmor?” Magna abandoned her need to pick up her sword and stood up full. “How did you find us? Why are you here? Is mother alright?”

    All around them, the rest of the party seemed to stir. All except the old man who seemed to have grown a blanket of grass over him. The goddess grinned and got to her feet but continued to pat the top of Derric’s head as if he were a dog.

    “Your mother is fine. I can always find Derric if required to.” Said Millmor softly. “Why I am here may be more complicated now that Vitex is here.”


    The goddess raised her hand and smiled, “That would be me, Fire Princess.”

    Magna didn’t hate the nickname, but it struck a strange chord within her.

    “If I give you sword back, will you swear to not attack me?”

    Derric turned to look at her and he tilted his head to look up at her.

    “Oh, don’t give me that look!” she grumbled as she crossed her arms. “Fine.”

    The sapling grew out of the floorboards and placed the sword back in the scabbard before shrinking away. Derric turned his attention back to the goddess and he sat down with his tail wagging.

    What do you wish of me?

    “I see, you would prefer to have this talk for all to hear.” Vitex looked up at Mortis. “I may have to reveal Bellum in this conversation.”

    Magna locked eyes with the revenant and if he could have shivered, he would of. However, her hard stare took on a sad one before she said.

    “You’re not alone anymore, are you?”

    Mortis was taken aback by her words but was relieved that there would be no fight. He simply nodded his head and asked, “What gave it away?”

    “The flames you have in your eye sockets, one occasionally flickered a different colour. I noticed it after the siege and thought nothing of it. That was until we rested in the ruins. The right flame will occasionally remain a different colour before returning to the balefire’s original colour. I assumed you picked up something along the way, same as my brother and I.”

    Mortis would have sighed if it was needed. He simply said, “Bellum.”

    Anna and Leo seemed to take interest in the name but said nothing as they picked themselves off the ground. They went to kneel next to the still sleeping Lucien and started what healing magic they finally had the strength to use.

    “Well then.” Vitex turned her head to Derric. “I want you.”

    Derric tilted his head, confused, and looked to Millmor. The ghoul king rolled his eyes and cleared his throat.

    “Oh right, mortals don’t understand anymore.” Vitex thought a little before saying. “I want you to be my avatar, Derric.”

    Derric seemed to chuckle under his breath, at least as much as a wolf could, and looked up at Magna.

    “What exactly would you like me to say?” she demanded of him.

    Derric shook his ears and said simply.


    “No? A goddess basically throws herself at your paws and you say no?” Vitex seemed unimpressed.

    Yes, because you haven’t bothered to explain yourself, so I don’t see the point in agreeing to your terms.

    Vitex seemed to think this over as Sebastian and Trix sat up to see what was happening around them. The goddess glanced up at Mortis and asked, “Help a girl out?”

    Mortis released an exacerbated sigh, more for the sound effect than anything else. He held his hand out and brought a magic sphere to his hand. Magna gawked, not understanding how the revenant could use magic when he hadn’t used any of her blood in some time.

    “Bellum.” She muttered under her breath.

    “I am his avatar.” Said Mortis.

    I see.

    Derric seemed to think this over. It took a few minutes before he turned on the spot to look up at Magna.

    What do you think?

    “This has nothing to do with me.”

    It will when I sit to your right when you rule.

    Magna blushed furiously but kept her composure to the best of her ability.
    And now Zak can enjoy updating from here.


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    Mortis Custos



    by @zakludickby @lex-zaiya
    Part 1Part 2
    Part 3Part 4
    Part 5Part 6
    Part 7Part 8
    Part 9Part 10
    Part 11Part 12
    Part 13Part 14
    Part 15Part 16
    Part 17Part 18
    Part 19Part 20
    Part 21Part 22
    Part 23Part 24
    Part 25Part 26
    Part 27Part 28
    Part 29Part 30
    Part 31Part 32
    Part 33Part 34
    Part 35Part 36
    Part 37Part 38
    Part 39Part 40
    Part 41Part 42
    Part 43Part 44
    Part 45Part 46
    Part 47Part 48
    Part 49Part 50
    Part 51Part 52
    Part 53Part 54
    Part 55Part 56
    Part 57Part 58
    Part 59Part 60
    Part 61Part 62
    Part 63Part 64
    Part 65Part 66
    Part 67Part 68
    Part 69Part 70
    Part 71Part 72
    Part 73Part 74
    Part 75Part 76
    Part 77Part 78
    Part 79Part 80
    Part 81Part 82
    Part 83Part 84
    Part 85Part 86
    Part 87Part 88
    Part 89Part 90
    Part 91Part 92
    Part 93Part 94
    Part 95Part 96 – You’re here
    Part 97 - Coming SoonPart 98 – Coming Soon

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