Is money really the most important thing in a relationship??

in voilk •  16 days ago

    I have had to think and re-think about some certain things that has happened to me. I have been single for 2 years now and since I got to the university I have literally tried to talk some girls and ask them out but it has just gotten nowhere. I have even thought about it that I am the problem and maybe I just need to up my game and try to be more interesting while talking to the girls. But what i have noticed, is that some of them want to know if i have money enough to take care of them , some of even start asking for money some weeks after we just met. Recently, I met some girls in my class and they were like I can't date a guy who doesn't have an iPhone or can't take care of my bills , pay for my hair , take me to the spa and all that.

    To me , this is actually crazy because is relationship not suppose to be about love. This girls at 17 be expecting a guy in the university to have gotten his shit together and be able to afford all what they need which is very shocking. There was even one of my friends who went out with some of other guys to an eatery in my school . He is using a techno phone and they met with a girl,the girl just asked him are you using an expensive iPhone?? because I can't date or even give out my number to someone who doesn't. My guy just lied and decided to also feel among 🤣 and hid his phone to avoid embarssment from the girl. They always think everyone who uses an expensive phone has alot of money in the bank which is not always true.

    Now, I can't actually blame this girls because at the end of the day it might have been a guy who bought her the iPhone she was using just probably because he wanted her to date him or he probably wanted to have sex with her.

    I don't even think most relationships now are real because most of them are just based off what each partner has to offer. There is even a friend of mine currently dating a girl called Jemimah. I can't lie she is hot and sexy ,but I just don't think she really loves my friend that way . I don't even think she would be with him if it is not that he has money. We have literally adviced this guy alot of times, but he just always takes it as if we are jealous which is why they said "never advice someone in love". The most painful thing is this my friend found a way to be stealing thousand of dollars from his mum shopping plaza every month and he sends about 300$ to this girl every month.

    I actually would love to be single than get into a relationship where the girl would always want money from me and not even love me or offer me anything in return.

    I know there are still some girls who will date you willingly even if you aren't the rich guy and all but they are just rare and hard to find in our society this days.

    So many boys in their teenage age in Nigeria have gone into Internet scamming just because they asked a girl out and she told them they are broke and poor and they want to impress or prove a point to them. If you think about it at the end of the day does it really worth it ?? Must I have alot money before i could get into a relationship ??

    You can drop your ideas in the comment section pls👇

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