The Tobacco and Salt Museum was surprisingly enjoyable! / 意外と楽しめた「たばこと塩の博物館」

in voilk •  6 days ago


    I visited the Tobacco and Salt Museum in Sumida-ku, Tokyo. Even from the nearest station, it may be slightly inaccessible, a 10-minute walk. But in the coming season, it would be a good place to visit for a walk.

    I don't smoke cigarettes and have never been particularly interested in smoking, but I have always been curious about this museum because of its unbelievably low admission fee of 100 yen ($0.7)for adults and 50 yen ($0.35)for children. It was established in 1978 by the Japan Tobacco and Tobacco Products Public Corporation (now Japan Tobacco Inc.), and reopened in 2015 in Sumida-ku, Tokyo, so the building is very beautiful.

    Visitors can learn about the history of “tobacco” and “salt,” which have been monopolized by the government for some time as important financial resources since the Meiji era.

    Special Exhibition Room "Snuff Cigarette Case"

    A special exhibition on the “snuff tobacco case” is being held for four months from this month through December 22. Snuff tobacco is a type of cigarette in which powdered tobacco is inhaled directly through the nose.

    The snuff tobacco, which originated in ancient America, was introduced to Europe and China through the Age of Exploration. In Japan, there was no snuff culture, but it is said that snuff cases were made for export.

    The special exhibition displayed snuff tobacco cases made in various countries, including the U.S., China, France, and Japan. The containers come in a variety of shapes and sizes, from pill case-like in appearance to perfume bottles.

    I wondered about snuff as a luxury item since it does not emit smoke... and upon checking the website of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, I found that "snuff has adverse health effects such as carcinogenicity and dependence, similar to smoking of cigarette papers, and in particular, epidemiological studies to date have indicated a link with oral and nasal cavity cancers. "

    Well, that's right😅

    Permanent Exhibition "The World of Salt"

    What was interesting for me was the permanent exhibition, "The World of Salt".

    First of all, I want you to see the British rock salt placed at the entrance! Unfortunately, this kind of rock salt is not available in Japan. Japan is surrounded by the sea, so salt is extracted from seawater, but it is not suitable for mass production due to the high humidity. We take salt for granted every day, but when I hear this, I begin to think how precious it is.

    Blocks of salt cut from the Salar de Uyuni Salt Lake can be touched

    The salt chandelier was very beautiful.

    This is the statue of St. Kinga. It is a replica of the statue in the Wieliczka Salt Mine in Poland, a World Heritage Site. Surprisingly, the statue itself and the wall in the background are all made of salt!

    This permanent exhibition was quite impressive, explaining salt from various perspectives: salt as a resource, salt as essential nutrition for the human body, salt as an industry, and so on.

    There is a touch-screen monitor where visitors can learn about salt by watching videos and answering quiz questions. Despite such a wonderful facility, there were hardly any visitors on a Sunday, and I wondered if the admission fee would be profitable (no, it would never be!). JT may be running the museum as a hobby, not for profit😅

    Permanent Exhibition Hall "History and Culture of Tobacco"

    Finally, I headed to the permanent exhibit on the third floor, "History and Culture of Tobacco." While the special exhibit was limited to snuff cigarettes and their cases, the permanent exhibit offers a look at the history of tobacco in genera

    This strawberry-shaped tabletop lighter displayed near the entrance was cute. Well, we have no use for it at home...

    The panel reads, “Tobacco was once a sacred plant dedicated to the gods". Tobacco was first used by mankind as a ceremonial plant, then spread throughout the world as a luxury item, and cultures were formed in various regions.

    A view of a tobacco shop in the Edo period. Families often ran tobacco shops, with the wife rolling the leaves and the husband chopping them.

    Tobacco shop on a street corner. It is said to be an actual tobacco store in Kuhonbutsu, Setagaya-ku, which was relocated as it is. Therefore, it is actual size.

    The section with tobacco packages and posters displayed by era was a highlight of the exhibition. I was born at the end of the Showa period (1926-1989), so these packages and signage designs were vaguely familiar to me. It made me feel nostalgic.


    I don't smoke (in fact, I've never smoked in my life), I don't like smoke, and I get annoyed when it wafts through the streets. Still, the culture and industry surrounding tobacco is quite fashionable and I could watch it with interest.

    Hmmm, I would like to try it as long as it is not harmful to my health.

    I recommend the “Museum of Tobacco and Salt” because it is not crowded, the exhibits are well organized, and above all, the admission fee is very inexpensive. If you don't like tobacco, I think you will enjoy just the salt exhibit. It's only 100 yen for adults!

    The museum store sells goods related to tobacco and salt, which I also enjoyed. I would be happy to visit again when the next special exhibition opens.





    2F 特別展示室 「嗅ぎたばこ入れ」






    2F 常設展示室 「塩の世界」







    タッチパネル式のモニターが設置されていて、映像を見たり、クイズに答えたりしながら塩について学ぶことができます。こんなに素晴らしい施設なのに、日曜だというのに来場者はほとんどおらず・・・ あの入館料で採算が取れるのだろうか(いや、絶対にとれない!)と心配になるレベルでした。JTが趣味でやってるのかな・・・

    常設展示室 「たばこの歴史と文化」

    最後に、3Fの常設展示室 「たばこの歴史と文化」に向かいます。特別展は嗅ぎたばこ、そしてその入れ物に限ったものでしたが、常設展はたばこ全般の歴史を見ることができます。











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