Hoy es 2 de abril, el día de concienciación sobre el autismo..🩵🩵🩵

in voilk •  3 months ago

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    Hoy es el día de concienciación sobre el autismo..

    Nadie dijo que ser padres es fácil, criar a un ser humano es complejo, cada persona tiene su propio mundo su propia manera de entender, de mirar, de decir las cosas..

    Mi principe Azul, tiene su propio mundo, a veces no es fácil entenderlo, a pesar de su excelente palabrerío y es que es hiperverbal..


    🩵 A veces dice unas cosas, que tengo que interpretar, porque su manera de decirlas, puede caer mal, el no lo sabe.

    🩵 Los chistes se lo tengo que explicar, porque no los comprende, aunque el hace sus propios chistes, que a veces caen mal.

    🩵 No comprende las metáforas, ni las comparaciones y hay que explicarlas porque las cree literal.

    🩵 Es muy terco, en sus ideas sean estas malas o buenas.

    🩵 A veces es fatalista, sin darse cuenta

    🩵 Él dice que nunca juega, porque el lo que esta es trabajando

    🩵 Le asusta lo desconocido, y prefiere mil lo que conoce aunque este mal.

    🩵 Siempre me anda corrigiendo porque quiere que diga las cosas como a el le gusta escucharlas.

    🩵 A veces siente mucho miedo, y tengo que protegerlo, aunque a veces no lo comprendo.

    🩵 Es brillante y sueña con ser Fabricante. Siempre una lavadora esta fabricando

    🩵 Es amoroso, le gustan los besos y que lo abrace a cada momento.

    🩵 Dice lo que piensa, como lo sienta

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    🩵 Le gustan las labores domesticas, solo hace las que el mismo fomenta.

    🩵 Le encanta la tecnología y ayudar a quien pueda

    🩵 Siempre esta dando sus tips, para el que quiera aprenda.

    🩵 Una escritura perfecta aunque escribir no le encanta, y una lectura mundial.

    🩵 Le gusta organizarse y su alarma todo le avisa

    🩵 Algunas normas las sigue, otras no tanto.

    🩵 Le gusta la aventura y explorar algunas cosas.

    🩵 Tiene los ojitos mas hermosos, y la sonrisa cautivadora

    🩵 Una dulce voz que me enamora..

    Mi hijo tiene muchas otras cosas mas, sin embargo, estas resaltan mas

    Es mi príncipe azul es ni niño amado.. Es mi corazón Azul

    🩵 Feliz dia de Concienciación sobre el Autismo. 🩵


    ¡Ser Autista es un Súper Poder! 🩵

    ENGLISH VERSION 🩵 (click here!)

    Today is autism awareness day...

    Nobody said that parenting is easy, raising a human being is complex, each person has their own world, their own way of understanding, of looking, of saying things...

    My Prince Charming has his own world, sometimes it is not easy to understand him, despite his excellent verbiage and he is hyperverbal...


    🩵 Sometimes he says some things that I have to interpret, because the way he says them can fall badly, he doesn't know it.

    🩵 The jokes I have to explain to him, because he does not understand them, although he makes his own jokes, which sometimes fall badly.

    🩵 He does not understand metaphors, nor comparisons and they have to be explained because he believes them to be literal.

    🩵 He is very stubborn in his ideas, whether they are good or bad.

    🩵 Sometimes he is fatalistic, without realizing it

    🩵 He says that he never plays, because what he is doing is working.

    🩵 He is afraid of the unknown, and prefers what he knows, even if it is wrong.

    🩵 He is always correcting me because he wants me to say things the way he likes to hear them.

    🩵 Sometimes he is very afraid, and I have to protect him, although sometimes I don't understand him.

    🩵 He is brilliant and dreams of being a manufacturer. He is always making a washing machine.

    🩵 He is loving, he likes kisses and to be hugged every moment.

    🩵 He says what he thinks, how he feels
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    🩵 He likes housework, he only does the ones he encourages himself.

    🩵 He loves technology and helping whoever he can.

    🩵 He is always giving his tips, for those who want to learn.

    🩵 A perfect handwriting although he doesn't love writing, and a worldwide reading.

    🩵 He likes to be organized and his alarm warns him about everything.

    🩵 Some rules she follows, others not so much.

    🩵 She likes adventure and exploring some things.

    🩵 She has the most beautiful eyes, and the most captivating smile.

    🩵 A sweet voice that makes me fall in love with him....

    My son has many other things, however, these stand out the most

    He is my Prince Charming, he is my beloved child... He is my heart Blue

    🩵 Happy Autism Awareness Day.🩵


    Being Autistic is a Super Power! 🩵

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