Ladies of Hive Community Contest #174 - Best time of the Day

in voilk •  4 months ago

    There are some delightful questions this week with @LadiesofHive - Contest #174 brought up by @elizabethbit.
    1️⃣ Some of the most beautiful times of the day are sunrise and sunset. We want to know which is your favorite and why? Also, please add a photo you've taken of your favorite one so we can all share in the beauty of it!
    ~ 𝐀𝐍𝐃 / 𝐎𝐑 ~
    2️⃣ 2024 is Leap Year! If you were born on February 29th of a leap year, what do you like or dislike about it? How do you celebrate your birthday? If you weren't, would you want to be? Tell us why you would or would not, and also how you would celebrate it.


    I have always been a fan of Sunsets, it's the best time of the day. As the Sunsets, there is a very calming energy that spreads out, it reminds us that it's now time to rest and we can slow down from the hustle and bustle of the day. As the Sun sets, the moon also comes out with it's bright shining light. I find the energy of the setting sun very tender and not to forget the beautiful colors it spreads out in the sky.

    All through out the day the Sun is shining giving out bright and strong rays, it's so bright that it's difficult to look straight into the Sun for a long time, but when it's setting it starts to mellow down and those bright rays are no longer there, we can comfortably look up to it in that hour. I find this best for Sun gazing Meditation, it's the time for introspection and reflection. It gives a very gentle and a warm feeling.

    I have been a big fan of taking Sunset pictures, since it's my favorite time of the day and have 100s of pictures, so now to just choose 1 or 2 of the best is quite a task for me :-)
    Anyways I am sharing a couple of my best clicked Sunset pictures.
    This was taken on one of our Sun gazing meditation at the Sunset hour by the beach side

    This is by the beach side on one of my evening walks

    This one I like because when you look at it, feels like as if the Sun is rolling down :-)

    A Sunset picture I had clicked on my Cruise holiday.

    Going down in the Ocean, one of my favorites again.

    Nothing very special about this Sunset, but I still love this one as I got these birds and the Sun in the very right manner.

    I have so many of them that I can keep going on :-)


    On the second question. This is something I have always wondered how those people must be feeling whose birthday falls on 29th Feb. I do not have a single friend whose birthday falls on this date.

    Personally I would have never liked it if my birthday would be on 29th of Feb. Once in 4 years only I would get to celebrate on the actual day otherwise I would always have to do it day prior or later. So here I will like to read some responses specially from someone whose birthday is actually on the 29th Feb.

    Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸



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