A Soccer Loving Country

in voilk •  2 months ago


    The inaugural post explaining what the Memoir Monday initiative is all about you can find it here.

    This week’s Memoir Monday question:

    What's the first major news story you can remember living through as a child?

    There's no gainsaying the fact that my Country, Nigeria, is a Soccer Loving Country and it's actually one thing that brings us together in a unique way, yes soccer, not religion, not ethnicity, we are a diverse people but in Soccer, we stand united and as an indivisible whole.

    Even as a child, I understood the significant role it played in my community and in my home, the love and the passion for the round leather game. How my dad and uncles and relatives and neighbours would gather in our big parlour to watch football matches on TV, and how it would create very emotional moments whatever the outcome. I have seen men laugh, weep, fight, infact do all manner of things in the name of Soccer. I enjoyed all these even if I was too young to be a football fan myself at that time. But I always vibed with my people and experienced all the emotions they displayed.

    My Country has produced many talented players who have excelled in the game, both nationally and internationally and the climax was The 1996 Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia.
    I was six in 1996 when my Country, Nigeria, won the much coveted Olympic Gold medal. It was an incredible moment for the football fans and Nigeria.

    The victory won by the "Under 23", "The Dream Team", or "The Super Eagles 96", on that prestigious stage set us in the World map and One Nigeria celebrated with a frenzy and and a unity I have not seen till date. They were Super Heroes that changed my perspective of the game, I became a lover of Soccer.

    It became a lasting legacy which brought immense pride and joy and which has continued to inspire future generations of footballers in my Country.

    Thank you @ericvancewalton for this noble initiative 😊, though this is my first time, I'm loving it already.

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