In search of the vital liquid, among landscapes full of hope - Photo challenge

in voilk •  3 months ago

    far cry 2.png

    Cover created in Photoshop with screenshots from the video game

    Far Cry 2 somehow has its charm, for some maybe Central Africa may be a remote place where they would not want to be or in a few words a place forgotten by god and part of that I agree a little, since there are several reasons to think about it, because there are always constant armed conflicts, smuggling, robberies and so I could keep naming the malevolent things that the factions of the dreaded "Jackal" commit, but somehow out of all the chaos there is something that captivates me until this moment and I mean what is alien to man i.e. nature, simply the beautiful sandy slopes of the desert despite not seeming to bring life to an ecosystem does give something and that factor is hope...

    - - Theme: Stunning Landscapes - -

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    This is how in broad daylight I got up from my small house to photograph enigmatic landscapes in the hot desert, I was playing a little with the angles of my camera in front of my house which has a great view showing that immense rocky hill that covers an entire horizon as if it were some impenetrable natural wall.

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    After so much exposure to the sun, I felt exhausted, but above all thirsty, I tried to stop a little to rest, I wanted some shade, but from my house if not from some tree to feel connected with nature and thus make some good shots; however, I was looking around my house for a while without being successful the only place with natural shade that I could find is that of this cactus, but it would only serve as for some ant XD.

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    Here I photographed my little house for the last time before leaving it because I didn't have something essential like water, so if I resign myself to losing everything in order to receive a prosperous life with what nature provides me beyond.

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    I climbed this sandy hill little by little until I reached the top, thus appreciating those deserted hills higher up, while on the other side I could clearly see a place with more vegetation, that was noticeable with those fresh trees that revived my hope.

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    I stopped for a moment to appreciate the freshness of the other side with those huge trees that told me to open something good there!

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    Little by little I went into what seemed to be a jungle in the middle of the desert, it was a whole new experience for me, because I never thought this was possible, how in such a dry place could life grow?, well, unless... there is a source for that!

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    If I'm referring to that thing you're looking at in the photograph below, a water fountain no, it's not a mirage, it was just always there waiting to be found.

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    I got a little closer to photograph this small, but very valuable lake, it's like it's a gold mine! With this I will have to subsist, or at least that's what I thought, because everything indicates that it will be momentary, when I realized a clue that I had just seen...

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    Apparently I was not the only one who was in what was for me a new natural home, since after circling the lake I managed to capture with my camera a felled tree trunk, although it is noticeable that it was a while ago because of the saplings that healed the wounds I still feel a little uneasy, because I hope they are not the henchmen of the dreaded jackal who often do this sometimes for simple fun.

    At least I learned that humanity will always try to take life from nature without thinking that she gives life to us...

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    Hey if you liked this adventure I would like you to comment something, that motivates me!.

    Something that I want to clarify is that this story that I just commented to you is implicitly fictional, because it does not belong to any mission of the game I have simply written it to accompany the photographs and thus leave a message of conscience, to better appreciate our beautiful virtual landscapes that make up a world, without neglecting the valuable task of taking care of the real one. Thanks for reading and good luck in this challenge!

    Translated with:

    All images were captured in the video game.

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