USA Fried Rice A Favorite Menu At Reborn Kafe and Resto

in voilk •  2 months ago


    Savoring the unique and different specialties of a restaurant has become a habit of mine. The culinary curiosity has always made me love this job. Satiety and new flavors become beautiful colors for you as a person who loves cooking, right?


    On the weekend after our Lebaran celebration, my best friend and I wanted to spend a day together by visiting the city of Bireun. This city has a long distance from my house. That is about 3 hours drive to get there. At 10 am I was ready to wear my best clothes, rushing with my motorbike to pick up my best friend at home. Well again I have to wait for her long enough there because she hasn't prepared. Haha it's already a bad habit, like it or not I have to wait for him to get ready. After he got ready we continued the journey which made my waist gout. When we got there, we walked around the city and spent time together. Well the main goal is actually to spend time waiting for this cafe to open. And they open right at 4 pm until 12 night and above.

    Reborn Cafe And Restaurant


    Reborn cafe and restaurant is one of the many cafes in bireun city that is very popular. The number of aesthetic cafes with contemporary themes is enough to make me confused about where to stop by. But the first time I tried the food here made me want to come back here again if I visit this city whenever I want.





    I got there by chance that the waiters were tidying up the place. So we were asked to wait a while to order food. It was a precious moment I spent looking around all the areas. It's quite neat and aesthetic and the place has an outdoor theme so I thought it would be quiet during the rainy season. Although there are some that are roofed, it is not enough to accommodate visitors.




    After a while the waiter came and gave me the menu book. While looking through the menu made me curious about the food here. There are tons of food items from heavy meals, snacks, to various drinks.


    My friend and I decided to order 1 portion of USA chicken fried rice, Singapore vermicelli and also 2 fresh drinks of iced tea tarik, and guava juice.

    USA Chicken Fried Rice


    The name alone made me very curious, USA fried rice, and I thought this was fried rice with American seasoning. I was very curious when I saw the picture of this fried rice on the menu. I'm not sure why they named it American fried rice, I think it's either the use of a lot of sauce or the fried rice. One thing is for sure, it's really unique and this is the first time I've seen fried rice like this.


    The splash of fried rice sauce with a mixture of vegetables and chicken makes the eyes very tempting. Actually, there are many choices of topping in this fried rice, chicken, shrimp, squid, and also seafood. But I chose ayam and it makes my mouth water all over again when I think about it. Well, the price of one serving of USA fried rice with a choice of chicken meat is IDR. 25.000.


    When I saw the portion of fried rice, it was very surprising, the portion was very complete for the price with one cup of rice, and one sunny side up egg. The rice was cooked with the usual red fried rice seasoning, except that there was no addition of soy sauce like fried rice in Indonesia in general. But interestingly, the rice is very fluffy, and the level of maturity is very fitting.



    Moreover, the savory and salty taste is very suitable for my tongue, and one more thing is that it is not spicy at all.


    Even the half-cooked sunny side up egg was just right. But still I didn't like it and this I asked my friend to finish the egg kunik. Haha it makes me afraid to enjoy it the liquid is still raw, but different my friend devoured it well he said it was very tasty and nampol on his tongue.



    Now for the chicken, the vegetable mix is the main component in this fried rice. I tasted it and it tasted like you're having pizza, I tasted a pretty strong aroma of onion and tomato sauce. They cook the chicken with sauteed onions and also chili and tomato sauce. Cooked with various vegetables, there were carrots, cauliflower, baby corn and spring onions.


    The sauce was very thick, and blended perfectly with the combination of chicken pieces and vegetables. The vegetables were just the right level of ripeness so that when enjoyed it was still crisp and very tasty, slightly sweet and not spicy even though the marinade looked very red. The flavor was just right, as I stirred it with the rice and combined it perfectly.

    Singapore Hun Noodles


    I'm not sure what makes this noodle stir fry different, but they say it's Singapore hun noodles. One portion is only IDR. 18,000, the portion is quite filling and in my opinion very large. There's a sprinkle of scrambled egg in the vermicelli, and interestingly, there's also a slice of cucumber.


    But I think they cooked this vermicelli without any spices. Just sauteed garlic and shallots and tomato slices. And a little bit of pepper in it, it's not bad at all, savory, a little salty and not spicy at all. However, the taste is not different from the usual vermicelli that I generally eat. The only difference was that it was stir-fried without seasoning.


    The texture of the noodles was chewy and the level of chewiness was just right. The scrambled egg was enough to enhance the flavor of the vermicelli. I just think that if the noodles were cooked with a little more seasoning, it would be better. Well this noodle has several variants, there are regular singapure noodles, seafood and meat. At first I chose seafood but seafood was empty so we chose regular noodles.

    Drinks Teh Tarik And Guava Juice

    Both drinks have their own characteristics and undeniable enjoyment. The first pull tea has a sweet taste and the fat milk is very tempting. Uniquely, teh tarik has a delicious froth that I always like this one drink. While guava juice has a spectacular freshness with a thick texture.


    Teh tarik is one of the drinks made from tea with a mixture of milk. But the difference is usually in making teh tarik they use real tea. Teh tarik is a typical Acehnese drink that is very popular in coffee shops in my area. Almost every coffee shop provides this one drink menu.


    The method of making it is very easy, only tea is brewed with hot water then mixed with sweetened condensed milk and then shaken in a shake tumbler for a while so that it produces a really delicious froth.


    Unlike the pull tea, guava juice actually provides freshness in the body. My friend ordered this juice because she was not feeling well. This juice is indeed able to provide good things for the body, even I often consume it when I have a fever.


    The best thing is that this juice has a really good taste, I like the thick and creamy texture. They made my favorite juice perfectly even my friend admitted that this juice is very good and he said he highly recommends eating here. Now the price is very cheap, for one serving of teh tarik is priced at IDR 13,000 while the guava juice is IDR 15,000. I think this is very appropriate for the portion they serve.

    I think the overall taste of the dishes I ordered was very good. And my most favorite here is the usa fried rice. It was really good and the taste was not unpleasant, sweet and savory and a little spicy enough to make it very delicious. I'm sure I'll come back here and try other dishes later because I'm sure the chefs are perfect and really experienced when making all the dishes.

    Now for the address of this cafe itself is on Jalan Elak Railroad, Cot Gapu Village, Kota Juang District, Bireun Regency.



    About The Author

    A woman, firm and stubborn who is called "Nurul", born in July 1993, comes from Indonesia, Aceh province. My daily activity is work.

    Besides working, I have several hobbies, namely reading, writing, cooking, gardening, making crafts, and traveling. From this hobby of mine, I will develop some inspiring content for all of you. I am also very happy to discuss positive new things with all of you.

    Hi Readers and Hivers, Thank you for reading and visiting my posts which are 100% copyrighted by myself, my own content, writings and photos, taken with the Samsung Galaxy A72 Smartphone.

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