Only 10,000 will be Minted...

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Could this be another Clue that each $100 Gold Coin will have the Spending Power of 10,000 of today's Fiat USD's...???

    There's still no price showing yet, but these Gold Coins have a Household Limit of One Coin...

    Considering the Face Value of these Gold Coins, I'm sure the Selling Price will be Very Reasonable...

    They go on Sale on February the 8th at 12 O'clock Eastern Time, or 9.0 Hollywood Time...

    They may be sold out in the first 10 minutes for all I know...

    All I can say is, if you snooze, you lose...

    But don't let this get you down, because the U.S. Mint has lots of other Coins, you might be interested in...

    I'm sure they're not that hard to fin on line...

    If you're interested, I'm sure you'll do your own research...


    I hope you didn't miss anything...

    What I write is usually worth more than a $100 Up-Vote...

    Make sure you don't miss a single one of my

    This is where we get to the good part...

    No one seemed interested in turning a 90% Silver U.S. Half Dollar Coin into a One Ounce, $100 U.S. Gold Coin, so it won't do any good to repeat myself...

    But if I don't repeat myself, how will I be able to explain what I see heading our way...???

    It's like I'm caught in the Middle...

    Actually, I've been stuck in the Present, my entire Life...

    There's a lot to be said about the Present, but I won't go into all that right now...

    So, where was I...???

    Oh, this is where we get to the good part "if" I'm allowed to repeat myself...

    Would you believe me, if I write that One Ounce of Silver will one day get me Two Ounces of Gold...???

    I'm sure most of you might find that a little hard to believe...

    It's all part of my "Fine Tuned" version of what's heading our way...

    How many of you believe I came up with a way to pay off the National Debt, in Full, including the interest, that everyone said couldn't be paid...

    What's really have for most people to believe, is that "We the People" have "Staggering" amounts of Silver and Gold Coins, standing by, just waiting to be activated...

    They will be used to back our Paper Coinage, Electronic Coinage and our Common Coinage...

    I think it's a good idea to have a few Piggy Banks filled with Common U.S. Coinage...

    If your Digital Fiat USD's go down and your Smart Phones stop working, you sure don't want to be using Sea Shells for Money...

    Our Common U.S. Coinage will have Legal Tender Status, long after the Fiat USD's go to Zero Spending Power...

    I suppose I typed enough words to qualify as a Quality

    And now for your View Pleasure...
    American Landmarks...Front....jpg
    This is a 2 Ounce Silver Round...
    American Landmarks...Back....jpg
    If I'm Correct about the Reset, this Round will end up with the Spending Power of 36,000 of t"oday's" Fiat USD's...

    A Collector may be willing to pay much more...

    This Gold Buffalo is going to be in most of my Blogs, from now on...
    2011 Buffalo Tails....jpg
    How else did you think we were going to "Make Americans Great Agan"...???

    Let me know if you still have any questions or concerns...

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