Ladies of Hive Week #182 || JOB STRESS

in voilk •  2 months ago

    This week topic about Job Stress is so interesting. We will be reading different experiences on how they manage stress at work and what are the impact in their health and in the family.
    Thank you @marivic10

    Let me share to you some of my insights based on my experiences as office worker and as a home manager.It is really important that we have to learn how to manage ourselves in order to handle stress in our job or at home properly.
    We need to consider the factors that contribute stress and its impact to our health and in our family.

    1. Our Personality. Are we really matured enough to face circumstances, challenging behaviour of our co-workers and clients? Handling home properly? managing family circumstances vs. work load? It is really important to evaluate ourselves. identifying our strenth and weaknesses and threats that can cause bigger problem.

    2. Work environment. Even we are capable and fit in doing our duties and responsibilities if we are in the wrong environment, we end up exhausted even we work well. Its like, we exist but not seen in our work place.

    3. Co-workers demanding behaviour. In reality, we encounter co-workers that are demanding. Of the team accomplished and satisfied the implementation of such program, projects and activities, T
    they even give credit theirselves as top contributor even you are the one working since the beginning. Sometimes, they stole your ideas, your proposals and claim they done it alone.

    4. Clients demanding behaviour. Yes, one of the challenging in the office is when we encounter a client that is super demanding. They don't want to undergo the process and even they want you to make short cut. I remember the time the client pointed her finger to me and demanding my service must be 24/7.

    A lot more factors but this four really strikes me at my previous job.
    In this stressful scenarious, we need to manage it and make action for us not to be defeated physically, emotionally, mentally and socially.
    let me share to you some strategies how I handle job stress.

    1. Find your safe place

    I joined a small group community which we talk about our daily stress, allowing us to express our emotions and feelings. I beleive that the best way to release stress is expressing yourself to the right people, those who are willing to listen to your voice without judging you. Before I done this, I dealt my emotional stress alone but it made me sick and change my behaviour. I am easily irritated or hot tempered.

    2. Know your worth.
    Instead of facing stressing discussion to people who are against the program I am working with, I go to different respective barangays and work with them. In this way, aside from building my relationship to the Barangay, I really experienced my worth as worker, I gained respect and trust from them. Instead of arguing to those people who have no beliefs in our clients, I spent my time in the different barangays assisting them to make their reports and implementing their planned programs, projects and activities.
    I remember the time, I am lossing my confidence and trying to think I am worthless then I started not productive at work and my daughter observe I have changed from a open mother hearted to troublesome since I even shout at them, angry without valid reason.

    3. Renewing my mind daily. Always think positive. Just do what is right to do no matter how challenging in doing it. In the morning, I keep doing my si.ple routine to renew my mind. First, I eat breakfast to noursih my body
    Second, I pray for emotional healing and praying those negative people. Third, just go infront the mirror and smile and telling to that person, "You are such have a beautiful soul, beautiful heart and mind!"

    I even thinking of quiting my job but I need to be strong, so I need to motivate myself, if others can, why can't I?

    4. Time management. As a program coordinator I plan my itinerary ahead and even the activities and programs needed to implement. This really help me lessen pressure in doing the process of implementing said activities and programs.

    If we failed to manage our time, surely it will affect our family. We even have no time to eat together since we have to prioritize our job.

    5. Self-evaluation. Before we conduct self evaluation, we need to open our mind and heart, ready to accept and be motivated to make change. Part of self-evaluation is asking our supervisors,co workers, delegates and clients about our performance and what are the things we are lucking or we need to improve.

    Many times I fail to do this, maybe because of pride and im afraid to hear hurting truth. This will affect our relationships.

    6. Don't stop learning. I keep joining seminars, leadership enhancement seminars, personality development sessions. I believe that we are not perfect, no not one! We have our weaknesses.and struggles but we have a lot of opportunities to grow, to discover our inner self, develop it for us to be ready to deploy. Let us make change inside out not outside in. Our character defines who we are not our outside appearance. It must be balance.

    Let us embrace change!
    Renew our mind everyday!
    Think positive!
    Do what is right to do!
    Let us live a balance time for our self, to our family and to our job.

    Lastly, if I have an opportunity to work from home, then I will grab it. As the sayings goes "there is no place like home"

    Photo below are some memorable events. First, I love our office, where we create team work despite of our differences. The sond photo is the first time I am recognizes as Youth ambassador during the 1st Regional Youth Conference way back 2017. My companion was one of the youth leader and beneficiary of the anti poverty program and now he is a succesful Civil Engineer. Third one is the time I cook food for the children and as well give short motivational message to the secondary students of rhat school
    And the last photo, reflects the importance of engaging to the community.

    Minimal Square Photo Collage Photography Instagram Post_20240423_205610_0000.png
    [Photo collage by Canva]

    Thats all and I hope you enjoyed reading. If you have any comments, ideas and suggestion, please do not hessitate to do so in the comment box. God bless everyone!

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