Summoner's Week: Mimosa Nightshade

in voilk •  4 months ago

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    The tips and possible advises in this article are designed for Silver League, in which I am in right now.

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    As we go deeper into the Rebellion, let's take a step back on one of the strongest summoner from Untamed. This summoner is what I think the basis of Chaos Legion's Immortalis.

    With a legendary rarity and three abilities to apply on every monster, let's take a look at one of the strongest Death summoner from Untamed, "Mimosa Nightshade."

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    Legendary summoners are very efficient in terms of summoner since you only need a level 1 for Bronze and a level 2 for Silver.

    Mimosa Nightshade is very strong when comboed with specific monsters. She is also good in low mana fights due to the flexibility of Death Splinter''s monsters.



    Void: [Defense] Monsters with Void ability reduces the incoming magic damage by half. If the damage is 1, before the effect applies, the damage is negated and becomes 0.

    -1 Range: [Stat Modifier] [Negative Status] All opponent monsters has their range damage reduced by 1, with a minimum of 1. Monsters with 1 range damage before the effect applies are unaffected.


    Afflictioned Status: [Negative Status] Afflictioned monsters cannot be healed and unaffected by the effects of Heal, Tank Heal and Triage.

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    1. Void is a good combo with Shield ability. can be used to reduce all damage the monster receives
    2. Gives Opponents the Afflictioned status instead of Affliction ability to allies. It directly applies the effect of Affliction which removes the weakness where Affliction ability can only be applied by chance.
    3. Death has a lot of good monsters at Silver league. Venari Bonesmith's Poison ability is, to me, the strongest ability in the game. It deals 2 damage every round that cannot be reduced by other abilities. These types of monsters are very good especially since you need to invest a lot of mana for the summoner.


    1. High Mana Cost.
      Mimosa Nightshade has a mana cost of 7, which is equivalent to a summoner and an extra monster. It means that her impact should be worth that extra monster or else just pick a 3 mana cost monster and put that extra 4 mana cost for a stronger monster.
    2. No protection against melee monsters.
      In cases like your opponents can only choose melee monsters, this summoner does would not be as useful as she should.
    3. Some of her abilities may be useless in some rules of combat.
      Her Afflictioned status is really strong as it automatically attaches to the opponents, same as how Underboss Fabino's Poisoned status works. However, there are certain rules of combat that make this useless.

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    Rules of Combat
    Briar Patch
    All monsters on the board gains the Thorns ability that inflicts 2 melee damage to monster with melee damage attacking this monster: Briar Patch reduces the chance that the opponent will use melee monsters which are what counter this summoner.
    Wands Out
    During this battle, only monsters with magic damage type are allowed: Same with Immortalis, since Mimosa Nightshade has Void ability, she is very strong when against mages and where can you see a lot of magic damage than the rule ofcombat that only allows magic damage.
    Keep Your Distance
    Monsters with Melee damage type cannot be used during this battle.: This is an upgraded Briar Patch. With Keep Your Distance rule of combat, you are sure that your opponents will only use either range or magic damage, which Mimosa Nightshade's abilities counter.

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    Rules of Combat
    Healed Out
    All healing effects and abilities are disabled during this battle.: Healed Out removes all the healing abilities in the current battle, in which, Affliction has the same effect. The only difference is that Healed Out cannot be cleansed but why use a summoner that can give Afflictioned status to the opponent when they already have them?
    Silenced Summoners
    During this battle, all summoner abilities are disabled: If your summoenrs will have no effect, it would be better to use lower mana cost summoners instead so you could have stronger monsters that costs more mana.
    Up Close and Personal
    During this battle, only monsters with melee damage type are allowed: Briar Patch reduces the chance that the opponent will use melee monsters which are what counter this summoner.

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    Harklaw has a Shield ability that reduces any melee and range damage in half. If you add Void on top of that, he can half all the attacks that your opponents can do making a very flexible monster.
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    Helheim Demon
    Taunt with any form of defensive abilities are strong. It's the same reason as to why I consider Iziar as one of the strongest defensive monster out there. He has both Void and Taunt.
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    Venari Bonesmith
    Venari Bonesmith is a good monster when you are doing a battle of attrition. When your strategy is to slowly wither your opponent, Venari Bonesmith's poison is really good.It's especially good since your opponent cannot heal due to Mimosa Nightshade's Affliction.

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    Photo is from my Peakmonsters Account.

    This lineup's goal is to muscle out. The combination of Poison, Life Leech and Scavenger is to do a drawn out fight. The longer the fight goes, the more health I get from the combinations of the abilities and the higher the opponent will take from Venari Bonesmith's poison.

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    Mimosa Nightshade

    Mimosa Nightshade is good on certain rules of combat but not in general. In this battle where there's reduced chance of using melee monsters, picking her up is a really strong one as she has both abilities that make range and magic damage weak.

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    Carrion Shade

    There's not a deep meaning for him. He's really just a foddder for Riftwing's Scavenger ability.

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    Chaos Agent

    There's not a deep meaning for him. He's really just a foddder for Riftwing's Scavenger ability.

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    Main Defense. Good in low mana due to his Scavenger ability. He also has Flying ability that avoids the range and melee damage and Backfire ability that deals damae in case he dodges them.

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    Venari Bonesmith

    He is the main damage for this lineup. His poison ability is exceptional when combo'ed with Scavenger ability.

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    Life Sapper

    Has a Life Leech ability like Venari Bonesmith that can defend the back in case opponents wouls still use a Sneak mosnter.

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    Venari Spellsmith

    I wanted an extra magic damage so all my attacks can pass through armor. She's the only available one at the moment of that battle.

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    The first two monsters act as a fodder for Riftwing's Scavenger ability giving him extra 2 health at the very least. With that increased health and decreased opponent's damage, the other monsters can now take care of the opponent's monsters in a battle of attrition.

    > > Click here to view the full battle < <

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    Mimosa Nightshade is a niche pick that is very strong on certain rules of combat. I don't agree on using him everytime though especially in low mana cap battles since he costs very high at 7 mana and it would be better to use stronger monsters than rely on what your summoner can do for you.

    Either way, if there's a good chance and you are able to pull it off like this battle, Mimosa Nightshade is a strong asset that you can abuse for your own good.

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    • This post is an entry for Splinterlands Social Media Contest.
    • Animated Banners and Dividers are edited in Canva Pro.
    • Other sources that I do not own are cited under their respective photos.
    • Some of the fonts used are from

    If I seem to forget to cite other sources, this would be unintentional. Please leave it on the comments below to be added in the post. Thanks.

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