Beauty begins the moment you start being yourself

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Have you ever felt at anytime that you're not good enough, thus, living a strange lifestyle? Most people at a point felt this way, we wanted the applaud of friends, to belong to the big boys gang and to be recognized that we forgot who we truly were. We were in search for beauty, not knowing we were imprisoning our beauty by our actions. We always desire to be like the people we see as model, going extra mile to dress, walk, talk or do as they do. There is nothing bad having a model, it becomes bad if we lost ourselves seeking to become every figure of them. We never do better being a version of someone else.

    Beauty begins the moment you start being yourself, the moment you realise you're the best of yourself, and you don't need become someone to feel fulfilled. Beauty is recognizing that your weakness is also a fragment of what makes you like every human, no one is perfect. There's freedom when you're not under duress to do certain things, when you take actions from a free soul.


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    A man who lies to keep a relationship flourishing will keep lieing to maintain the relationship. There's no gain in been someone else except pressure and a shade of faded beauty that doesn't last but wash off within a short period of time. In my opinion, living a fake lifestyle diminish your inner peace, and frustrate your true beauty. No one has ever gone far in life with a customized lifestyle, they always end miserably full with regret as the wrong reputation they have built about themselves crashes.

    Being beautiful starts by accepting you, accepting your flaws, and living a simple life as possible. Chasing after some personalities for societal gratification is like chasing the wind, you never catches it, and at the end makes one looking like a fool. Embrace who you are, embrace everything about you, only until then do your beautiful emerge.

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