Welcome to my new daily content: the battle of the day!
The battle: https://splinterlands.com/?p=battle&id=sl_82565ad7ea4b2953d287d2fa84d4af0d
This is a ranked Diamond match. The game has the following rule sets: Close Range and Back to Basics. I picked Akane and went with Soul Fiend, Pelacor Conjurer, Void Dragon, Rage, Djinn Renova, and Time Mage. They opted for Astral Entity with Pelacor Deceiver, Djinn Muirat, Magi of Chaos, Drybone Bowdog, Gem Meteor, and Soul Strangler.
I gave Ambush to Rage and Renova. They left the Deceiver at 1 HP and Void Dragon was the first to attack after the Ambush, finishing it. It got Resurrected but Time Mage took it out for good. Gem Meteor killed my Fiend but Rage and Renova took out their Muirat. They also killed my Conjurer before the end of the round. In the second one, I was able to kill their Magi of Chaos and left the Bowdog at 1 HP. Soul Strangler missed Void Dragon, so it survived. In round 3, Void Dragon finished the Bowdog but Gem Meteor took it out. Rage and Renova killed their last 2 monsters for exact damage each, ending the game.
I hope you liked this new content!