Neoxian City: Writing Prompt #15

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Hello Hivers,

    The infamous April Fool’s Day is fast approaching. Some of us might be thinking of the next joke or prank to play on someone or reminiscing about being caught - off guard of course. On this day pranksters have an excuse to practice their craft. Whether you are the prankster or victim and got tricked or not, it can be a day full of laughter and practical jokes or somewhat embarassing.

    This is a monthly event where a prompt is shared. You can write a story based on the prompt below.

    Before you start writing, please read the following Guidelines which can always be found in the #city-prompt.

    a. Write your entries using the Neoxian City frontend.
    b. Use #neoxianprompts (with an s) as the first tag.
    c. Posts should be in English and have 300 – 1000 words.
    d. The usual Hive community rules are applicable - no plagiarism, no NSFW etc.
    e. Only 1 entry is allowed.
    f. Share your post link below in the comment section of this post.
    g. Read and comment on the posts of the other writers.

    Engagement is optional but we encourage you to read and comment on the posts of at least 2 other #neoxianprompts writers.

    Reminder - please do not forget to adhere to the Guidelines. Your effort is appreciated. AI content is easily detectable.
    When selection is difficult - Guidelines matter.

    Neoxian City - Prompt #15

    Write a story about an April Fool's day prank or joke.

    Describe what happened to you or someone else. Write your most imaginative, creative and fun story. Fiction or non-fiction.

    Deadline – You have until Friday 15 March 2024 @ 8am UTC.


    • The Top 5 posts will be rewarded in Hive (an equal share of the liquid post rewards), Neoxag or possibly upvotes facilitated by our sponsors @neoxian, @bdvoter, @brofi, @xawi, @ecency and @hivepakistan.

    • 5 "honourable mentions" posts receive between 1 to 2 Hives each - depending on the liquid posts rewards.

    • Early writers – the first 10 posts - can receive participation rewards via the native token of Neoxian City. The tokens can be used to upvote your posts, enter City giveaways etc. Be in the Top 10!


    • Share your creative ideas for a prompt! The best prompt selected will win 500 neoxags. Write the best prompt.
      Your winning prompt could become one of the prompts of a subsequent month!!!
      Share your prompt ideas in the Neoxian #city-prompt channel.

    Have fun writing your stories. We are looking forward to reading your entries.

    If you have any questions - please do not hesitate to ask me in the comments or in the following Discord channels: Neoxian City – city prompt or in the Neoxian City – general-chat-english.

    We are thankful to all our sponsors – Neoxian, BDvoter, Brofi, xawi, Ecency and HivePakistan.

    Credits to @vickoly for designing the Neoxian City Prompt banner and to @shrazi for designing the Neoxian City Prompt image. Thank you.

    Posted using Neoxian City

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