Pasta with Meat Balls

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Hello Hivers!

    Last week was indeed a busy week at work - we had our schedule changed. We have additional and new subject load which means additional preparation. We were given new ancillary too. But even before the clock ticked five in the afternoon, I had better plans coming home already. I was planning to cook something. I must say, cooking has been my outlet. Food has been a key factor in de-stressing.

    Today, I will be sharing how I improvised what I have in my fridge. Seeing what's inside, I had to think quicker because my stomach is getting angrier. My babies were hungry! (Stress-eating).

    This is Pasta with meat balls.



    Chicken meat balls
    Italian mushroom pasta sauce
    Onion, garlic
    Parsley flakes, basil
    Other condiments



    First. Boil water in a large bowl. Put salt and a small amount of oil. Put the pasta for 10 minutes or more. It depends on your preference on how tender the pasta should be.


    Second. Slice the onion and garlic.


    Third. In a separate bowl or pan, boil water. Put the meat balls for 3-5 minutes to slightly cook them.


    Fourth. In a separate bowl, saute the sliced onion and garlic. After, put the slightly cooked meat balls. Mix. Wait until the meat balls turn a little brown.


    Fifth. Pour the Italian mushroom pasta sauce to the meat balls. Season it with parsley flakes, basil and other condiments.


    Sixth. Put the cooked pasta and mix well with the sauce.


    And now, ladies and gents, here is my Pasta with meat balls.



    By its look, it definitely is mouth-watering. But according to Chef Alvin of Master Chef Canada, "Taste is the key." As for me, indeed it is!

    I'm glad my improvised dish turned great and tasty. I was able to end the busy day with a smile. I was able to sleep that night with a happy stomach and a contented mind.

    Something to Ponder

    Don't be afraid to try things for the first time. Don't be afraid to step foot on the unfamiliar. Explore the unknown. Sometimes, a worthwhile experience comes with something unexpected, unplanned.

    To more cooking experiences in the next blogs everyone!


    This is all for today. Thank you for the constant support. Be safe! Until the netswriting.

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