Hello friends, how are you today? I hope very, very well. Today I am quite happy for the support and participation that I have had in the 3 previous draws and as a sign of gratitude and also as a small motivational act, I want to share a little of my collection so far and the strategy that I have come implementing.

Con estas cartas de pizza slice y pizza box logro controlar la falta de energia durante todo el dia, lo mejor de todo es que pasadas las 24 horas ya se van recargando las pizzas slices asi que no me preocupo mucho por quedarme sin energia.
With these pizza slice and pizza box letters I manage to control the lack of energy throughout the day, the best of all is that after 24 hours the pizza slices are already recharging so I do not worry much about running out of energy.

Esta es mi la parte mas importante de mi coleccion entre personas y vehiculos, de primera instancia y lo que considere mas importante fue invertir en los combos de 12 pack que ofrece el juego por 100k de starbits, asi pues me hice una base y fue mi primer impulso para avanzar bastante, asi pues logre reunir y comprar cartas individuales extras para aumentar la cantidad de fans.
This is my the most important part of my collection between people and vehicles, in the first instance and what I considered most important was investing in the 12 pack combos offered by the game for 100k of starbits, so I made a base and it was my first push to get ahead a lot, so I can collect and buy extra individual cards to increase the number of fans.

Por ultimo peo no menos importante esta la parte de mi coleccion con la que combato el ego, puesto que al incremetar considerablemente mis fans tambien subio considerablemente el ego, dure varios dias intentando bajarlo, pero con algo de empeño lo logre.
Last but not least is the part of my collection with which I fight the ego, since by increasing my fans considerably, the ego also increased considerably, I spent several days trying to lower it, but with some effort I succeeded.

Es hora ya de dar paso a anunciar el ganador del sorteo anterior, quiero recordarles que la ruleta que estoy usando para realizar los sorteos es la siguiente:
It is time to give way to announce the winner of the previous draw, I want to remind you that the roulette that I am using to carry out the draws is the following:

Y pues el ganador del sorteo de 3k de starbits, es el amigo @jfang003, saludos muy especiales a los demas concursantes. Seguiremos con los sorteos por ahora de 3K solo recuerden:
Las reglas seran muy simple por ahora:
- Dejar su voto, por muy pequeño o grande que sea.
- Dejar un comentario con su nombre de usuario.
And well, the winner of the 3k starbits draw is the friend @jfang003, very special greetings to the other contestants. We will continue with the 3K draws for now, just remember:
The rules will be very simple for now:
- Leave your vote, no matter how small or large it may be.
- Leave a comment with your username.

Me despido muy agradecido con ustedes hasta el proximo sorteo, saludos y que DIOS los bendiga.
I say goodbye very grateful to you until the next draw, greetings and God bless you.