This post expresses my PERSONAL views. I respect that there are likely many ways to interpret this movie.
Probable spoilers.
Right, so this movie is quite good, and as I think about it more and more, my respect for it only grows. I will be touching on my opinion regarding possible religious aspects of the film and if you're not into that, you might not want bother reading. This post is basically just a rant about the movie that may branch off into a rant in general. I will try to stay on track for the most part. But I'm just typing, having a good time. Here we go.
I find it odd, and sort of mildly sad even that this movie is sort of forgotten. I mean, it's pretty excellent. I feel like it deserves to be talked about more. The graphics are just top notch, the action is top notch, the spookiness is awesome and the mystery of it all is really fantastic. Nicolas Cage seriously kills it in this movie. Cage has been given a bit of the 'Nickelback' treatment during the past decade or so I feel like. What I mean by that is, Cage, much like Nickelback, was pretty much on top of the world for a few years and his fame really has fallen off to a noticeable degree. I mean sure, he has had his cringe moments here or there, but I feel like he's a more than competent, even excellent, actor and he's been in some great classics. I mean, when you're in as many movies as he's been in, you're bound to have some meme worthy moments. I don't know if he's done something in real life to make people not like him or something but, Cage is alright in my book.
But yeah, anyway, 'Knowing' was pretty great, very intense and deep. Personally, I see this movie as being closely related to God, Christianity in a sense. It's stylized very intensely and I guess some Christians may not appreciate the intense, even scary nature of the film. I don't know. But this movie can instantly send me into deep thoughts about, life in general.
The plot is so cool. Involving time and massive mystery, numbers and fate and how it's all connected. I personally view this film as a unique take or reference about God or the Bible or whatnot. But I believe atheists could probably find some philosophy in this.
I am quite quite far from being an ideal Christian, but my belief in God has always been quite firm. As I get older I am attempting to be a better Christian. I used to feel as though people look down on people believing in God. People to this day may assume I have a room temperature IQ for believing in God. But I'm actually learning not to care. So many atheists I hear on various medias these days want proof proof proof of God. If we can't prove it, God must not be real. But in all honesty, I just don't care much about proof.
I just have faith in God. For any single person to have the sheer confidence to assume anything in this life makes sense in any capacity, I believe is a bit wild. Me typing this on this laptop is WILD. So my 'proof' of God is simply because well, life is nuts. I can't prove God, but I also can't prove why or how I got here in the first place. So I mean, me believing in God, actually feels quite natural in an existence that feels so random.
I believe in a roundabout way, people performing science is like, an attempt to prove God exists. I could be wrong but, isn't science about trying to understand this world? Science has discovered a lot of awesome, fascinating things and it turns out there is a lot of organization and beauty involved in this otherwise random existence. This overall rhythm or like overall symmetry that science discovers about the world around us every day, kind of proves to me that there has to be a God.
In addition, I have always been fascinated by odds, averages, proportions and that sort of aspect of math. Fractions and decimals, sports statistics and that sort of thing. I am fairly average at math as a whole, and I really don't like much else about math really. Don't ask me about geometry HA. Algebra was fairly easy for the most part.
But yeah, basically to piggy back on the randomness of this existence, I can't help but wonder, what are the sheer odds that I exist? Seriously, mathematically speaking the odds of me existing must be BONKERS. What would that number even look like? Then, what are the odds that Christianity was always a pretty large part of my life? Society in general. I don't want to discredit other religions whatsoever. In fact what are the sheer odds any of us exist and religions and beliefs in God in any variety exists? I am just using Christianity as a personal example pretty much. Also, 'Knowing' seems to have relation to the Bible. Although, for all I know this movie could very well be related to other religious texts as well.
But on the Bible specifically, what are the sheer odds THAT exists? Like huh? I randomly exist, for pretty much no apparent reason. THEN there happens to be a book to help guide people? Like it does sound kind of hilarious in a way, but considering the absurdity of the world around me, I guess it makes perfect sense that the Bible would exist, because why not?
I do credit science for some useful stuff but I also feel like scientists certainly go a bit far when it comes to like, how awesome science is. OBVIOUSLY science HAS had an impressively beneficial impact on this world. But also, I just wonder like, who cares kinda? About certain things anyway. A lot of this world wants to give credit to science whereas I just feel like cleverness, generally smart people and a lot of trial and error invented a lot of things. I don't think every single clever invention of all time can be credited to science. Just seems like overkill sometimes. SOMETIMES, ok? HA.
Look man, I know speaking on religion is always a sensitive-ish topic but, I've personally been pretty into religion the past couple of years and so, 'Knowing' simply got me thinking big time. I shouldn't bother apologizing but, whatever. I ain't trying to argue or annoy anyone.
'Knowing' was just incredible. Odd how this movie feels like it was pushed under the rug when this film is truly pretty excellent. I could rant about it for days. The ending was really powerful.