My Actifit Report Card and Update: March 10 2024

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hi Everyone,

    It has been an exciting week in crypto. Bitcoin has made a new all time high; over US$72,000. This is much sooner than I expected. We haven't even reached the Bitcoin halving yet. I expect it to drop a little around that period. It could then double by the end of the year.

    Hive is even up a little. It always lags behind Bitcoin. I doubt it will increase by much until late into the year or even next year. It's hard to say how high it will go. A new ATH would be nice. I think that is around US$3.40. That would require around an 8× increase. I would be content with US$2+. However, I also believe Hive should be a top 100 coin. Price will need to be much higher than $2 for that to happen. Meme coins still seem to be the thing. Speculation and stupidity.

    My Book

    I've been trying to promote my book, Sapien Loop, on Amazon. It is tough going. I've added something known as A+ Content. It is pretty cool. It allows me to add pictures and additional information. For the UK, I added a banner at the top, the world map, and pictures and descriptions of the three main species on the planet. For the US, I added a banner and some other pictures.

    I have also started an ad campaign for the UK. Without it, the book is close to impossible to find. So far, I've had almost 90 impressions. Unfortunately, no clicks yet. On the plus side, I don't need to pay Amazon for the ads. Then again, I can't sell any if people don't see the book's product page. Overall, I'm a little disappointed. I will need to change my advertising strategy. The automated advertising isn't working out. I think I'll need to do my own targeting.

    My Content

    I only managed one post since my previous Actifit Report and Update. I have been busy doing a bit of spring cleaning. My office, bedroom, and bathroom needed a good clean. Good time to do it since I was suffering from a bit of writer's block.

    In my post, I compared life to playing a game. I discussed compeition and cooperation. Both are essential to games and life. Unlike a game, in life we can choose our own criteria for rules, goals, and success. The post also discusses perception. How it affects our morivation and decisions as well as whether we lean more towards competition or cooperation. This post acts as an introduction to my series of posts, 'The Playbook'. The series will focus on how life is played like a game. It will consider world leaders as well as everyday people. It is a much tougher topic to discuss than I initially anticipated. Hence, the reason I'm having a hard time getting started.

    That wraps up this Actifit Report and Update. Hopefully, I can pick up some momentum with my next post. The ideas are in my head, I just need to figure out how to put them in words.

    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

    Daily Activity, House Chores

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