Crochet Baby Blanket

in voilk •  2 months ago


    Once I learned that a friend of mine is expecting, I immediately wanted to create a crochet project for her. I first thought of making a baby beanie partnered with mittens and baby boots. But then I remembered how babies tend to grow really fast so I changed my mind and made a baby blankie instead.


    The next question for me was what design and what stitch should I use? I knew I wanted to use the different colors of 5ply milk cotton I bought for the bulk project I made last Nobember-December. I looked at my stash and realized I bought a little bit too much of those. It's really perfect for the baby blanket. I decided I wanted to make it simple and easy to do.


    I used single crochets and double crochets all throughout the project. And since the stitch I'm using is too simple and easy, I decided to make a striped design all over using different pastel colors. But which colors, I gather. It will all depend on what the gender is. But I don't know yet by the time I started. I figured I'd gamble and assume.


    I started out with lavender and then pink. You would already assume what gender I was hoping for when I first started. I made quite a few stripes already with the girl theme in mind. If I had made a bet with anyone, I'd lose because hakfway throufh my project, I found out @lhes is having a baby boy.


    Instead of having to change the entire color theme of my project, I decided I'd just say boys can also use the colors pink and purple. At this point of the project, I decided to throw in a lot of different "gender neutral" colors like green, brown, yellow, some more green, then topped it off with a pink layer.


    My target was to bring this baby blanket to her on our HivePH meetup which meant I needed to finish this before April 27th. If i didn't I'd have to ship it off to her before she went back home somewhere far away. Thinking that she's going to live far away from here meant I could no longer invite her to any impromptu meetups like last year. What with the baby and all, she's going to be too busy and too far away now.


    I brought the crochet project wherever I go. I would crochet while I was at the grocery waiting for my turn in the checkout lin e, while I'm out on play places with my daughter, when I'm at the jeep going to my mum's house. So @lhes, please make sure to wash that blanket thoroughly before putting it on the baby's crib. That blankie has gone through a lot.

    The target date is nearing and that's when thr progress of the baby blankie project seem to drag. It felt like no matter how fast I crochet, it doesn't seem to make any progress. I kept on measuring and measuring every row I make. I thought I wouldn't finish it on time. Ut's a good thing I did. On the day of the meetup itself.


    This was the first time I wwaved ends off the fastest. I used to despise this part of any projects. I still do, but for this one, I most lovingly and happily did it immediately as soon as I finished off woth the last stitch. Funny how a deadline makes one feel inspired.


    I do hope you love this gift of mine @lhes. Maybe Marse @cindee08 and I could go on an excursion to your place sometime. :)


    Copy of Nanay Romeski (4 x 1.5 in) (2.5 x 1.5 in) (2 x 1 in) (3 x 1 in) (4 x 3 in) (2.5 x 1.5 in) (3 x 1.5 in).png

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