Getting to Know Me: A Personal Introduction

in voilk •  3 months ago
    I'm just a simple girl, not very tall and maybe not as pretty as some people, but one thing never changes about me: I love every part of who I am, whether it be personality or physical beauty, and I embrace myself wholeheartedly.


    Hello, my fellow Hivers! I am a new member of this group and I am @miss-shen, let me tell you a little about myself. My real name is Shenna Babes P. Garciano. I'm from the Philippines and live in the vibrant city of Cebu, which is a part of the charming city of Naga, a community in South Poblacion. As a first-year student, I am starting my academic journey at CTU Naga, pursuing a Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education majoring in home economics. I am eighteen years old and the sixth child in a family of seven siblings. I have a lot to share with you guys, and if you want to know more about me, just keep on reading.

    My Family
    This is my family. They are my inspiration and cornerstone, especially my parents, who have worked hard to provide us with everything we need and want. They are my source of inspiration and motivation to work hard and succeed in the future. If I could have one wish, it would be to grant my parents a long life to live because, in case you don't know, my mother has been fighting cancer for the past three years. Thankfully, she is now mostly better, but I still hope that God will grant her and my father a long life to live and see our accomplishments in life.


    My passion is photography because I like to capture the essence of life, and I enjoy keeping memories with people, animals, and especially nature. I just love capturing what my eyes see. For example, if I see a simple flower, I will capture it and make it look good. Despite my current limitations, such as using only a cellphone and grappling with angles, I know that it will improve as time goes by. I also don't have expensive equipment; I only have my cellphone, but one thing is for sure: I can make good shots because this is my passion.

    There's happiness in my heart through capturing many things, because back when I was a child, I was so amazed by the things that surrounded me—the smiles and laughter of people, events like birthdays and weddings, and most of all the beauty of nature. Back then, the technology at that time was not that known, so I always wondered how I could capture things, but thanks to our advanced technology, now I can capture just by using the cellphone, and I can improve the images I take.

    ARTS ( drawing and painting )
    Creating art brings me joy and comfort. Whenever I feel bored or find myself in a low mood, I draw something, like an anime character, or create paintings. Art is a remarkable way of boosting my mood and calming me down. When I go back to my early years, I can still clearly remember the times I used to beg my mother to buy me art supplies. And that will never change, because, even though I am in my youth and I am maturing, there is something in me that wants more to make art. I still buy some art materials, but the difference now is that they will disappear in just a day because of my nieces. I think they also have an interest in making art.

    Back then, I was shy whenever someone asked me what my talent was because, for me, I had no talent at all. But since childhood, singing has been a significant part of my life, influenced by my participation in the church as a choir member. My father, a talented singer, encouraged my passion by personally teaching my sister and me the art of singing. There was one time I was in grade 12 when I joined a singing contest at our school with my friend, who was my classmate, because it was my first time joining that contest, I got nervous, but thankfully, my sister and her friend watched me until the end of the song.

    I am also into dancing, and I was influenced by my sister. When I was 12 years old, my sister taught me some moves of their dance in school, but at that time, I just didn't mind if I was good at it; I just followed my sister, but I was too shy to show others; I just kept it because I didn't think that I had a talent for dancing until that moment. Over the years, I've come to realize my love for dancing. I find that I can't resist moving to the beat of a song when I hear one. Moreover, now that I am in college, I am not shy about joining groups, particularly in dancing.

    Although this is my first time joining a group, the reason I joined is that I find it to be enjoyable, thrilling, and challenging all at once. I would like to learn more about this platform so that I can share with you my ideas, experiences, and more and I hope to enhance and improve my vocabulary and the work I create. Aside from that, I want to socialize and form friendships with other bloggers. I want to meet new people, learn new things, and gain insight from the various blogs I follow. With Hive, I have discovered a friendly community that encourages development and connection in addition to a place to display my work. I've been so interested in this website because there are countless opportunities for growth, expression, and cooperation.

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    By writing interesting and educational blogs, I can add value to the hive and ensure that people are inspired, empowered to take action, and educated. Creating genuine blogs that provide valuable experiences is how I want to make a big difference in the lives of my readers. I believe that we should help and understand each other because I know that everyone has different stories and blogs to make,also my assistance and support for my fellow Hivers will allow me to further contribute to the Hive community.

    During our Messenger conversation in February, one of my classmates @chaparlepez introduced us to this group hive. Because @kyla-bacarro and I are interested, we decided that we would be participating in the upcoming orientation. After that, we agreed to join, but I had something to do on the day of the orientation. I'm very disappointed that I have to miss it. Once more, as the days passed, I became extremely curious, and Kyla, who is now a member of the hive, talked about it constantly. and after that, I asked if it was okay for me to rejoin. She said she would let me know if there was another orientation. Now I am happy to be part of this group thank you to both of them @chaparlepez and @kyla-bacaro, also a special thank you to Miss @chimegipamus because she helps us be part of the group by telling us everything we need to know about the hive.



    That would be all for my self-introduction. I am glad that you’ve finished reading this, and I hope that you have learned a lot about me. Thank you, everyone!

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