Bad feelings and bad luck

in voilk •  4 months ago

    There's this fear that always grips me whenever something life changing or something important is about to happen in my life and that is because for some weird reasons, I've always had this belief that there are evil spirits around waiting to ruin whatever great plans or event that is about to take place.

    It's a superstitious belief, one that I've come to notice gets stronger every time I think of it, and now it has gotten so worse that I don't only feel that way when something important is about to, but also when almost anything at all that I'm looking forward to is about to happen.

    When I first bought my television (which as a student at the time was a big deal), I had sent the money over to my brother who lives miles away because I had wanted him to help me get the best my money could afford and not get ripped off. So after he purchased the television, he had waybill it to my location and when it was finally time for me to go get it, that fear came out of no where and I soon found myself getting scared of the television getting broken or left behind at my brothers location.

    Lo and behold, I got to the location where I was to pick up the television and I was told it had been left behind just as I had feared, but luckily for me, just as I was about to walk away and return back home, they had called me back and handed the television to me. Apparently someone had placed it at the wrong place and that was why they couldn't find it the first time.

    But you see today's post isn't entirely about that. The contest at the Hive Learners community asks us to randomly take a photo and tell a story behind that photo, so here's my photo.


    After I had taken my television home, the first thing I had done after setting it up was to go get a USB drive so that I could watch movies from the drive without having to get a cable or anything like that. And I remember being super excited but as usual, after I got the USB drive, it refused to work but then I had taken the same drive over to my friends place and he had tried it and it worked perfectly well for him.

    This didn't come as a surprise to me, it only confirmed my suspicion. Anyways, I had asked my friend to give me his usb drive, the one he has been using on his television, the same USB in the picture above, for me to go try it at home. I had asked him this with no expectations at all but to my surprise, when I plugged it in, it had shown that a USB has been plugged in.

    I remember jumping up and down, excited that I finally found a USB that works on the television, so I had taken it out and transferred some movies to it, only for all the files to come out as corrupted files. Immediately, all of my excitements turned to sadness again and that was when I decided that enough was enough. I was done trying to get a usb that works and had gone to get the cable instead.

    The plan now is to get a new television when I get the money, because I'm tired of jumping from one store to another, trying to get a USB that works.

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