in voilk •  3 months ago


    Giving value in Sadaqah al-Fitr:

    From the above hadiths, it is clearly known that the real grain in Sadaqah Fitr is not the price. However, if someone wants to extract a price for the grain, then whether the Sadaqah Fitr will be paid or not, the scholars have a difference of opinion in this regard.

    First opinion:

    It is permissible to give a price in Zakat al-Fitr. This opinion is from Imam Abu Hanifah, his companions, Sufyan Al-Thawri, Hasan Basri and Umar bin Al-Aziz. 130/6], the author Ibn Abi Shaiba

    [398/2], Fiqh al-Zakah [948/2])

    The reasons are as follows:

    1️⃣ The purpose of Sadaqah al-Fitr described in the hadith is "purification of the fasting person from al-Laghu wa al-Rafs wa ta'ama for the poor" (Abu Dawud [1609] Basnad Hasan, al-Arawa [843]).

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    Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) has prescribed Sadaqah al-Fitr to cleanse the fasting person from the obscene words and obscenities of the fasting person and to feed the poor.

    Reason of reasoning:

    This is the intention of giving food to the poor in Sadaqah al-Fitr, so it is also possible to pay with the price. This relief can be obtained from both the price and the grain, but sometimes the price is better than the grain when the poor person has more grain and less other goods.

    The answer is that the faqirs and the poor need food the most, and the tradition of "Aghnuhum..." is weak, even if we accept it, to combine the two hadiths "Aghnuhum..." and "Tahamat ul-Masakeen". The meaning behind food is closer.

    2️⃣ The saying of Abu Ishaq al-Sabi'i "Adrektham wahm yudun fi Sadaqah Ramadan al-Drahm al-Hawd al-Haad" (writer Ibn Abi Shaiba [398/2] I found him that he used to give dirhams from the price of grains in Ramadan Sadaqah).

    The answer is:

    ⬅️ Abu Ishaq al-Sabi’i is a mixed and mudlis narrator (Al-Mukhtilatin, [93] Jame’l-e-Iqlaz Lal’alai 108/1).

    ⬅️ The narrator on the authority of Abu Ishaq al-Suba’i is Zuhayr bin Muawiya who heard from him after mixing (Al-Mukhtalatin 93).

    ⬅️ Who does Abu Ishaq al-Sabi'i say "Idraktham" mean? It is not known, if the Companions are meant, then the Companions used to give grain only, as it is known from the tradition of Abu Saeed Khudri, may Allah be pleased with him, in Bukhari, "Kana Nakharj". Is .


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