Rethinking Work: Unlearning A Notion Given To Us Unconsciously from the School System.

in voilk •  5 months ago

    @HiveGhana just posted some interesting weekly prompts for the community. I believe this week is going to be particularly engaging.

    I'm writing about the first prompt.

    Life is an unending cycle of learning. We learn, unlearn and relearn everyday, that’s the only way we can grow. Tell us about a time when you learned that something you’d always thought was true was actually incorrect.

    Here it is guys:

    Image link

    Growing up, the classroom was my battleground for learning, but it was also where I absorbed a wrong lesson unintentionally:

    work was punishment.

    Mistakes were met with extra assignments, cleaning duties, or other tasks that felt more like retribution than correction. I did not know then that this way of thinking was influencing how I viewed work well into adulthood, by associating work to punishment.

    Unlearning the notion that work is punishment has been a gradual process marked by moments of realization and self-discovery.

    One momentous occurrence took place during an extremely busy week in the office. When deadlines loomed and stress levels skyrocketed, I lamented my workload through the lens of punishment instead of opportunity.

    It took a gentle reminder from a colleague who said something I would never forget:

    *our work was something we should be grateful for because it gave us opportunity to contribute, develop skills and knowledge. *

    This one simple but wise statement started a chain of realizations for me. It made me rethink my attitude to hard work and learn new things.

    At first, I had to question the idea that working hard always means suffering. I realized that thinking of work as a punishment just made me feel stressed and stopped me from growing. Instead, I started to see work as opportunities to be creative, make decisions, and become a better person.

    Also, knowing this meant me finding a balance between working hard and taking care of myself.

    On the flip side, pushing myself to work late into the night just made things worse. By focusing on self-care and setting boundaries, I found a fresh enthusiasm for my work.

    Certainly, dismantling deeply rooted views is easier said than done. It requires generosity of spirit, consciousness about oneself as well as daring to re-examine the existing ways of doing things.

    There were times when I lost my footing or slipped but these setbacks only reminded me of how tenacity and toughness are important virtues in life.

    At the moment, I have a different way of looking things, and as such, I tend to do my work with more gratitude and purpose.

    Instead of seeing challenges as things to beat, I look at them as opportunities to get better and learn. Even if I slip back into old habits after a setback, I know that moving forward isn't just about getting to the end goal.

    For anyone who like me ever saw work as being a punishment this is what I would say:

    question your mind set, allow it to grow and do not forget that work should not be regarded as a burden but rather as a disguised blessing. And just maybe you will discover that often the most unexpected places hold the greatest lessons.

    To sum this up, unlearning that notion of work being punishment has been both transformative in my workplace approach and towards my general outlook on life itself.

    By questioning deeply entrenched beliefs while taking an optimistic stance on life’s challenges, numerous possibilities and opportunities have become available for me.

    So dear members of the Hive Ghana Community, and Hivers on this beautiful Blockchain:

    let us redefine work; one revelation at a time.

    Thanks for dropping by! I appreciate your presence here on my blogs and on Hive.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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