Side Streets In Bucharest

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Another walk downtown. I'm looking forward to Sunday's walk on my favorite boulevard in Bucharest, Victory Avenue. This boulevard has the highest concentration of buildings and monuments with great significance for the history of this city and the country, considering that Bucharest is the capital of Romania.

    I have walked on this avenue hundreds of times without getting bored as I see the same thing every time... Only the background remains unchanged because the buildings don't move from there and every time my interest is focused on something else.

    Now, because I don't get bored that doesn't mean that you, who have seen, maybe other posts on this topic, don't get bored. To avoid this as much as possible, I will try to show the places from another perspective.


    I'm sure I'm not the only one who prefers the same places for walking. Even the one who inspires us to share our walks, @tattoodjay, has places he often posts about, like the harbor where it takes great photos early in the morning.

    I can't take such photos but try to compensate with something else. I try to turn my walk into a somewhat touristic presentation of the most special places in my city.


    These are small streets that intersect Victory Avenue or run parallel to it.

    An important, if controversial, monument is the memorial to the Heroes of the December 1989 Revolution, placed between two buildings with totally different meanings.


    I refer to the royal palace and the building that housed the headquarters of the Romanian Communist Party. I mean the two extremes of Romanian history. Royalty and Totalitarianism!


    A small park separates these buildings.



    At the end of this park, I can now see a statue group dedicated to the memory of the political prisoners, thrown into prisons by the communists, after they forced the king of Romania to abdicate in 1947.


    Usually, when I walk down the boulevard, I see the statues in front of me. Now I can see what they look like from behind.


    My choice to walk down the street parallel to Victory Avenue leaves me with a different perspective and a place where I can choose two new directions.


    To see two different hotels. One very old, built before the twentieth century, the Grand Hotel...


    ... and a new hotel, Novotel. Although I appreciate old buildings more, now I think I like Novotel better.


    From this point I could continue my walk along the boulevard... but I said I didn't want to repeat the same route so I chose to go to the Faculty of Architecture.


    The building housing the Architecture is behind the church. A church over three hundred years old. There are many churches in Bucharest.


    Opposite Architecture is a small flower shop. I always make a little stop to admire the flowers.




    The walk ends just after the flower shop when I can see one of the little streets I love. General Berthelot Street.


    I like the view of this street.


    I like that the heads of this street end in two buildings. The Army House is the one with the flag and the other is the National Theatre.

    This is a small part of the center of Bucharest. The most beautiful part of the city. The old part of the city.

    When I said Side streets in Bucharest I was referring to the streets around the beautiful Bulevar Victoriei. These are also central streets.

    This whole story might not interest anyone but I hope you find something interesting in the photos. Because, after all, photos are what it's all about.

    Make a point of looking around and up and see what you can find to get shots of that otherwise you may miss.

    This is one of the recommendations made by @tattoodjay for those who prefer walking and are used to sharing impressions and photos in his community, Wednesday Walk, every Wednesday, like this one today.


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