AskLeo - If Everything Would Be Free in This World, Would It Be a Better Place?

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Have you ever pondered how the world and society might appear if everything we currently pay for were free and abundant? I find myself grappling with this question frequently, especially when the notion of fairness seems to have vanished from our society.

    The notion that scarcity, which elites propagate as inherent to our planet, is a fallacy. It's a falsehood perpetuated to maintain control over the masses, who end up paying exorbitant prices for the commodities they require.

    The truth is, there should be plenty for everyone. Whether it's for the people in Nigeria, those living on the streets in the US, or us here in Eastern Europe. Yet, somehow, there seems to be a shortage for many.

    Throughout history, there have always been a select few who accumulate far more than they need, leaving others in poverty and excessive scarcity. Take Dubai, for instance... The opulence you see there is merely a fabricated oasis. Venture beyond its borders, and you'll encounter stark poverty.

    But let's return to the focal point of this #askleo post, shall we? What if everything we desired or needed was free in this world? Would it lead to a better world?

    Imagine strolling into a grocery store and selecting anything you fancy, walking out without spending a penny. Picture ordering clothes online and having them delivered to your doorstep at no cost. Envision casually picking out any car that catches your eye at an auto dealership. Imagine a world where women no longer feel compelled to sell themselves for money, and corruption becomes nonsensical. Can you conceive such a reality?

    I can, and frankly, I don't believe it would be beneficial. Despite the abundance of natural resources on Earth, I think everything should be more affordable if greed weren't so rampant among the world's magnates. But the idea of acquiring everything you need or desire without any cost doesn't resonate with me.

    Here's why...

    Humans are perhaps the only species that indulge in overeating, excessive drinking, and likely "over-mating" as well. Despite considering ourselves superior to animals, animals typically consume only what they need, mate in season, and refrain from excesses.

    We, on the other hand, are creatures of excess. Consider how quickly newfound wealth can lead to reckless spending and self-destructive behaviors.

    If everything were suddenly free tomorrow, we'd witness individuals overindulging to the point of illness, falling into alcoholic stupors, and accumulating heaps of unused possessions within months.

    I'd wager that in such a world, we'd find brand new cars abandoned just miles from the factory, and the chaos resulting from universal freebies would be unimaginable.

    We must bear the costs of our possessions and be driven to strive and improve ourselves. While universal basic income and freebies for all may seem appealing, the current cost of living is also problematic. The ideal life lies somewhere in between, in my view.

    Embracing delayed gratification and fostering healthy dopamine responses is the way forward. That's my perspective, and I'm keen to hear yours. Until next time, have a splendid day, and Hive on.

    Thanks for your attention,

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