in voilk •  5 months ago


    I want to use this medium to greet all great Hivers. How has been your day so far, hope you are all doing good? I'm positive minded that it's all well and fine.

    One of the mistakes that we do as human beings that makes some set of people to get the better side of us that we always tend to seek for validation where you should have let go and let things fall in place naturally without any back up, internal or external force. Seeking unnecessary validation from people always brings about negativity. Funniest thing about seeking validation is that, in the long run the validation you are seeking you might not even get it.

    It's until recently that I came to notice that seeking validation often brings about self destruction and deter one from having this self confidence in one self. Seeking unnecessary validation places your confidence in others such that if you want to do something or take any action you have to confide in them first you will have full confidence to carry on with your action. Another thing is, after people that seek validation from others, it goes by leading them to always please people. That's one of the features they have.

    What's seeking validation?

    Seeking validation is when an individual usually have decided to seek for approval from other people around before they take action on a particular issue. As I have aforementioned above that seeking validation breeds lack of self confidence and it also leads to someone being too garrulous; someone who talks too much. When one talks too much it leads to letting out secret. And when you let out secret, people might use it against you in one way or the other.

    So seeking validation from others should even be our option to fall back to. I'm not saying seeking validation is not good but we shouldn't go to the extreme to seek validation. As one can reduce seeking validation is so easy, so easy in the sense that one should try find peace with his or her mind first because when you don't receive the same energy from people you are seeking validation from might actually drain you emotionally, mentally and psychologically.

    Thanks for stopping by to view my blog. Please do have a wonderful day ahead.@peterale cares🤭

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