I learnt the true meaning of wealth

in voilk •  5 months ago

    I used to think that wealth is just about having so much money that you can get whatever you want. I thought that money alone is enough for someone to live a good life. It's way beyond that.


    I realized that my perception of wealth was wrong and narrow. Being wealthy includes many things. First, good health is an integral part of being wealthy. This is a well-known fact to a lot of people. Due to my profession, I spend a good amount of time in the hospital. I've seen people who have all the money, yet seriously battling with their health. For some who are unfortunate, despite the money they have, they end up meeting their demise due to terrible health.

    This is why we should all be intentional about maintaining perfect health. This involves minding what we eat and drink, exercising regularly, prioritizing hygiene and any other thing that would ensure our health remains top-notch. When you realize that being healthy is a big aspect of being wealthy, you will be satisfied. Most people work so much, putting their body under intense stress, stretching themselves to the limit, just to make more money, and then they fall sick in the process. They don't realize that health is as important as money when it comes to wealth.

    Another basic component of wealth is family and friends. There's no use having all the money in the world, without someone to share it with, someone to keep you company and be there for you.

    Some people work and work to the extent that they end up having no life of their own outside work. They end up lonely and without solid relationships. Humans are naturally social creatures. We always want to connect.

    So, for someone who may have so much money, but no real friends or family, that person is most likely unhappy, and that's not really a wealthy life. There are a lot of rich people who, despite how busy they are and the nature of their job, find a way to spend quality time with their kids and spouse. Such individuals understand the importance of family and know what it truly means to be wealthy.

    Lastly, being wealthy also entails freedom. True wealth is being free to do whatever you want with your time. It means having the time to do the things you love and appreciate on a daily basis. It could be playing a particular sport, or taking a stroll, or even reading your favorite book. Some people work all the time so that they don't have the time to do these basic things they love. That's not a wealthy life.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we shouldn't work hard. It is good to work hard, but there should be a balance.

    Learning that being wealthy is about all these things and not just about the amount of money you make, has changed my thinking and perspective about life.

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