I Got 6 Weapons For dealing With Stress #Kiss #103

in voilk •  3 months ago

    I don't know if I am the only one on this table because If there's one thing I hate in this life then it is being stressed because it can easily distract my productivity. I know a lot of people can't work further once they are feeling stressed but me? nah, that's not me, I can't lose focus that easily especially if I have a goal to crash. However, one thing I have been able to develop over time is the habit of doing away with stress once it comes. This brought us to this week's prompt, let's take a look at what it says

    What are some of your habits for reducing stress? Share your success stories with us

    Well, well, well, I smiled immediately I saw this prompt because I am a walk at home mum and sometimes I feel like it is more stressful to work at home than to walk in a 9 to 5 job, hehe! there's nothing you can tell me about this. The stress that comes with work entirely be it work at home or in an office can be really overwhelming and that is why as human, one must find a way to rejuvenate. Someone like me, there so many things I get involved in just to ease myself from stress, some of which are my hobbies as well, I call them weapons to fashion against stress, lol! Let's see what this weapons are:

    • The number one on the list is Going on an outing: I have no idea why this is topping the list, maybe because I hate sitting down in one place 😂 Anyways, I always used to say that, if I have money, I will be going on an outing every weekend because it makes me feel good, it takes me to places where I can meet new faces and learn as well. The thought of going out alone reduces 20% of stress in me


    • Playing games: Most especially physical games. It could be any type of game like chess, snooker and some other fun games, as long as I am enjoying whatever game it is, it doesn't take long for the stress to vanish


    • Watching movies: I do this almost every night and it has been my source of escaping from stress.

    • Sleeping: Heaven knows I love sleep probably because it makes me feel better. The universe wasn't wrong at all for giving us few hours called night for sleep because truly after working a long day, the body needs to relax. I don't joke with sleep, infact whenever I am feeling stressed, all I need do is to short down my eyes even if it's for 30 minutes, it makes me feel better

    • Taking a walk: Have you ever taken a walk and then you feel like your energy is restored? I bet you have. Like taking a walk has always made me feel better, walking and perceiving the cool breeze of nature brings me back to life


    • Oh my God! How on earth did I forget to mention dance? Yes, dancing is one way I engaged in when stressed

    Someone once asked me how can dancing help me reduce stress? And I was like "Girl, I can't explain" and sincerely I can't explain it but all I know is that, dancing is one cool habit I got for dealing with stress. Especially, dancing at the club or parties🫣 I do dance alone at home too but you know naw, I love mingling with people so I had rather go and dance where people are. Lol!

    This is my entry for this week prompt #103

    Thankyou for visiting my blog I hope you enjoyed reading through 😊

    Photo Credit: All photos are mine

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