
in voilk •  4 months ago

    I’m not referring to the dolls children play with. “Toys” are what we used to call cartoons or animations of any sort when we were kids.

    I remember it was because of toys I pressured by mom into buying a Multi TV Decoder. There was this channel called 4Kids that were known for showing animations all day long. It makes sense for their name. I don’t think they’re around anymore, but I’m sure there are plenty other better alternatives in their stead now.

    The misconception many people have about animations in general is that they’re for kids. So when adults like myself show an interest in anime or the likes, we’re considered weebs of some sort.

    They’re not entirely wrong - some animations are for kids. But others are not - This is just like everything in the world: we have books for kids, and ones for adults, normal movies for kids and X and R rated movies for adults. So there’s really no point in arguing which audience animations are made for. It’s clearly age-blind unless there are certain details or content in it that is not appropriate for a certain age group.

    Instead, what I’ll do in this post is to tell you why you should start watching them (if you aren’t).

    Toys are part of what helped me build my now vocabulary

    I mentioned in one of my recent posts that ladybug books helped me build the foundation of my now vocabulary. What I didn’t explain (maybe because it was obvious) was that why I loved Lady Bug books were because of the colorful animations that were used to compliment the story telling.

    I was glued to the TV, specifically 4kids every minute I was home. In fact, this wasn’t just me. This was all the kids in my house. Because at the time, my mom was the only one in the house with a Multi Tv, we crowded her room all the time. So she eventually had to buy us a TV of our own so she could get her space and peace of mind back.

    The good thing was that because we were always watching these animations, we’d always come across new and interesting words to look up. Not necessarily because we wanted to learn the words, but because we wanted to understand the conversations we were watching on screen. Without even noticing it, we learnt a ton of words and expressions that laid the foundation of our vocabulary and helped fast track our learning of English.

    Great stories

    I can’t say the animations of the 4kids days had the best plots, but adult animations like anime sometimes have better plots than most movies you’ll see.

    For stories that have both movie and animation versions, I prefer to watch the animations because more often than not, those provide details that might not’ve been covered in the movie because of the rush to fit it all into an hour or two of screen time.

    Most animations that are series take their time release manga, which are basically animated stories (in book form) that explains the plot beyond even the detailed chunk covered in the animation itself. I personally am not able to read manga because of time constraint and because reading is just not my thing anymore these days, but I have friends who are addicted to reading manga. My friend @gunu1 is one of such friends. I’m sure he would’ve loved to write on this if he was active right now.

    Animations are animations! Hellooo

    One of the deciding factors of whether I’ll watch a movie or not is the quality or resolution of the movie. Animations don’t disappoint when it comes to quality. The budget that some studious put into just the graphics of their animations is craaaaazy! The likes of demon slayer (Kimetsuno Yaiba) have stupid pretty animations plus plots!

    I enjoyed some of the best plot twists watching Attack on Titan and Bleach. If you haven’t seen those yet, you’re welcome.

    Plus, anime is generally just more fun. One piece of advise I’ll give you is don’t watch anime with a dub. The original voices are 8/10 better than the dubs. Most dubs also censor certain words out and if you can’t hear those fucking words, might as well just watch cartoons for 4 year olds. Lol

    If you’re one of those that think animations are for kids, you’re not entirely wrong. I used to think this too. Until I watched animations for adults. Calm down, not that.

    My roommate back at Uni had to beg me to start Demon Slayer and once I started doing crack, there was no going back! You might not even know you like until you try. Not crack. Animations.

    Image 1 , Image 2, Image 3, Image 4, Image 5

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