in voilk •  4 days ago



    Hello everyone, I hope you are well, I want to share with you some pictures of the day I went to "Mamma Mia".

    That day we agreed that we would go to lunch at "Mamma Mia", since my sister and my mother had a meeting with some friends of hive to celebrate #BitcoinPizzaDay. I wasn't part of hive by then, my sister had suggested joining, as had my mother, but I still wasn't quite up for it, although I have to admit that, seeing a whole group together, looked really nice and left me thinking about the suggestion they had made to me.

    When we arrived at the pizzeria it was alone, there was almost no one there, I don't know if it was due to the weather, as it was a bit cloudy to be honest. At the moment we were served my mom and my sister ordered the pizzas for lunch, since we went with that intention, after a while they decided to put the tables together to make a bigger one for the group of friends that would also be there.

    As time went by, people started arriving, I remember that one of the first people to arrive, apparently she had a birthday, I don't know, I don't remember it very well.

    After a while my family decided to move to another table for lunch when we were told that the pizzas would be ready and also partly to make Hive's group feel more comfortable and not strange to see people who were not part of their group. I was really thankful that we had moved to another table, since he was surrounded by people I don't know, because he is not very much to my liking, and the truth is that it would have been a little uncomfortable, at least for me who doesn't feel very comfortable surrounded by people I don't know.

    When it had already spent a few hours it started to rain (which was expected due to the weather), so it took the group of Hive and my family to leave the pizzeria, we decided to go to the mall for some ice cream and walk to see the stores, and then return home when night fell.

    Thanks for reading ❤

    (Some pictures are property of my mom @ulisg)


    Hola a todos, espero que se encuentren bien, les quiero compartir unas fotos del día que fui a "Mamma Mia".

    Ese día quedamos en que iríamos a almorzar a "Mamma Mia", ya que mi hermana y mi madre tenían una reunión con unas amigas de hive para celebrar el #BitcoinPizzaDay. Yo para aquel entonces no formaba parte de hive, mi hermana me había sugerido unirme, al igual que mi madre, pero aun así no me animaba del todo, aunque he de admitir que, ver a todo un grupo reunido, se vio muy bonito y me dejó pensando en la sugerencia que me habían hecho.

    Cuando llegamos a la pizzería estaba sola, no había casi nadie, no sé si se debió el clima, ya que estaba un poco nublado la verdad. En el momento en que nos atendieron mi mamá y mi hermana ordenaron las pizzas para almorzar, ya que fuimos con esa intención, luego de un rato decidieron juntar las mesas para hacer una más grande por el grupo de amigas que también estarían ahí.

    A medida que pasaba el rato fueron llegando las personas, recuerdo que una de las primeras personas en llegar, al parecer estaba de cumpleaños, no lo sé, no lo recuerdo muy bien.

    Pasado el rato mi familia decidió colocarse en otra mesa para almorzar cuando nos dijeron que ya iban a estar las pizzas y también en parte para que el grupo de Hive se sintiera más cómodo y no extrañado al ver a personar que no formaban parte de su grupo. Yo la verdad agradecí de que nos hayamos movido a otra mesa, ya que está rodeado de gente que no conozco, pues no es muy de mi agrado, Y la verdad si hubiese sido un poco incómodo, por lo menos para mí que no me siento muy a gusto rodeada de persona que no conozco.

    Cuando ya habían pasado unas horas empezó a llover (cosa que se tenía prevista debido al clima), por lo que nos llevó al grupo de Hive y a mi familia retirarnos de la pizzería, nosotros decidimos ir al centro comercial por unos helados y caminar para ver las tiendas, para luego regresar a casa cuando cayó la noche.

    Gracias por leer ❤

    (Algunas fotos son propiedad de mi madre @ulisg)

    WhatsApp Image 2024-06-22 at 10.06.03 PM.jpeg



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