Formation 4-4-4

in voilk •  3 months ago

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    Today is Good Friday and it marks the beginning of a series of holidays for the next couple of days. One thing that’s trending on social media now is how this is one of the best periods because it’s in the 4-4-4 format. This means that it begins with a 4-day week, then we have a 4-weekend that leads to yet another 4-day week. Pretty awesome, right?

    The first phase of the first four days ended yesterday. From Monday to Thursday when we were all working, and schooling. But today is a public holiday, and with it being a Friday, one can argue that it’s the start of the weekend. It’ll be like this up until Easter Monday which is yet another public holiday. So, from Friday to Monday is yet another four days. The working week then resumes from Tuesday to end on Friday, you guessed it, four days as well. And after that weekend, life returns to normal.


    I wanna take a holiday this period as well. I didn’t really take any during Christmas, and while I managed to have some fun, I was still working. But this time around, I want to take advantage of this period and kick back a little. It’s been a stressful couple of months and I just have to say this, I deserve to rest.

    And this won’t be just from work. It will be especially from school. I won’t step foot near the school during this period, I won’t even entertain any conversation that has to do with school. For the next four days, school doesn’t even exist for me. I won’t read my books, or do my assignments. I’ll just be. From Tuesday, I’ll become a student once more, but for now, I just want to flenjor.


    So far, I don’t have much idea about what to do. This is Owerri and the options are pretty limited for someone like me. Also, I don’t want to have to go too far just because I want to have fun, if I have to suffer traffic issues, it’ll take all the fun away from it for me. Anyway, I won’t be going alone because I’m looking to see if a friend or two will accompany me.

    For me, this holiday is coming around at just the perfect time because now is when I need it the most. However, we’re getting to the end of the semester, which means that academic work is on the decline because we’re rounding up everything. Most of our lecturers have gone through their schemes and from next week, we’ll have fewer reasons to go to school every day. Things are about to get a whole lot lighter for me.

    It won’t be all fun though, I’ve already mentioned how I’m planning to put a little bit more work into my book. I’ve neglected it long enough and at this point, I’m sure that it’s already growing moulds. Hehe…
    Anyway, there’s a lot to look forward to. Starting with the solemnity of today. And as we move into the second phase of the 4-4-4 formation, I wish you all a good time in the coming days.


    Thank you for reading. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below, I would love to know what you’re thinking. Till we meet in the next post.

    N.B: All images used in this post are mine. The thumbnail was designed using Canva.

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