Caught red-handed

in voilk •  28 days ago

    "Mum, Dad, we'd like to get a cat" Tony said to his parents on behalf of him and his brother Francis.

    "Nope. There will be no pets in this house. Both of you have are not responsible enough to take care of a pet. As long as that remains the case, you're not getting a cat or any pet whatsoever" Their dad said.

    "You both have to prove that you're responsible enough to take car of a pet, otherwise, no pets" Their mom added.

    Tony and Francis were 7 and 6 years old respectively. They were stubborn. Their parents always had a headache trying to keep them in check.

    The day before they asked their parents for a cat, they found a cat all alone in a bush, and they took the cat home. They hid it from their parents because they knew their parents may not approve. They were right, their parents didn't approve. So the brothers hid the cat in the room they both shared.


    Two days later, both boys were alone at home. Their mom had rushed to the supermarket to get some supplies. Their father had gone to work.

    "Tony, lets bring out the cat since mom and dad are not around" Francis suggested to his brother.

    "Yes, that's a good idea" Tony replied

    They let the cat out of their room. They played with it and after a while, they went to the sitting room to watch their favorite cartoon.

    They left the cat alone and the backdoor was open. Eventually, the cat went out of the house through the back door. A while later, Tony remembered that they left the cat on its own.

    "Francis, I just remembered that we didn't take the cat back to our room" Tony said

    "That's true. It may have wandered anywhere" Francis said

    Both boys immediately started searching for the cat. They searched the entire house but they couldn't find the cat. Then they saw that the back door was open. That was when they realized that the cat may have wandered outside.

    Immediately, they went outside, still searching for the little, innocent cat. Next thing, Tony called out to Francis

    "Francis! Look at the cat over there"

    "This is terrible. How did it get all the way there?"

    The cat had managed to find its way into
    Mr Roland's farm. There was no way the boys could get it back because the farm was well surrounded with metal fences.

    As the boys stood there, trying to process what had happened, they heard their mother's car from afar. So they went back inside and pretended like nothing happened.

    Later than night, Tony and Francis both had their minds fixated on how to get their cat back.

    "What do we do now?" Francis asked Tony as they sat in their room.

    "Here's my suggestion. I think we should meet Mr Roland and beg him to give us back our cat, because he probably has the cat by now" Tony said.

    "Okay. That should be after mom and Dad have left the house" said Francis

    "Yes. Once they leave, we go over to Mr Roland's house and speak with him" Tony replied.

    "Alright, that sounds like a good plan. But what if Mr Roland refuses to give us back the cat?" Francis asked

    "In that case, we have to make a plan B" Tony replied

    "What's the plan B" Francis asked, curious this time.

    "We'll have to sneak into Mr Roland's farm and rescue our cat" Tony said

    "Are you sure about that, it sounds extreme" Francis said, with a look of concern on his face.

    "It's the only alternative we have. We can't tell mom and dad about it because they don't approve of a pet in the house. Let's hope we are not required to implement plan B" Tony said.

    The next morning, Tony and Francis patiently waited for their parents to leave the house. As soon as their parents left, they went straight to Mr Roland's door.

    They knocked for a while until Mr Roland finally opened.

    "Why are you boys disturbing my peace" Mr Roland said, grumpy as usual.

    "Sorry to disturb you sir. Our cat wandered into your farm yesterday. Please, we would like to get it back." Tony said

    "So that cat belongs to you? That cat destroyed some of my crops. I'm not giving it back you boys. Consider it gone!" Mr Roland said in a fierce tone

    "Please sir, it will never happen again. I promise. Just give it back to us" Francis said.

    "You both can't take care of that cat. I'm not giving it back. Good bye!" Mr Roland said as he shut his door.

    Both boys were devastated.

    "What do we do now?" Francis asked Tony

    "We implement plan B tonight" Tony replied

    They pretended to be asleep when their parents checked up on them that night. When they were sure their parents had gone to bed, they sneaked out of the house. They climbed the fence surrounding Mr Roland's farm. Then they began searching around, looking for where Mr Roland would have kept the cat.

    "I've found the cat!" Francis said

    "Great. Now let's get out of here quickly." Tony whispered as they tried not to make much noise.

    They took the cat, and as they turned back to step out, they were startled. Mr Roland was standing right there, looking at them. He had caught them red-handed. He seemed very angry.

    "So you boys had the guts to break into my farm? Do your parents even know what you're up to? I'm calling them."

    Tony and Francis knew in that moment that they were in a lot of trouble.

    Their parents were furious with their sons when Mr Roland involved them. They apologized to Mr Roland on their sons' behalf.

    Tony and Francis were grounded by their parents for months because of that incident. However, they were allowed to keep the cat. Despite the fact that what they did was wrong, their parents were impressed by how much the boys loved the cat.

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