When Death Strikes

in voilk •  16 days ago

    You know when they say death is no respecter of persons as it comes for whomever it pleases? It hits so hard that there is no time to say goodbye, no time to settle scores or forgive, and no time to mend relationships as it snatches one from the face of the earth within a twinkle of an eye. Leaving one’s family and friends in severe pain.


    I lost someone so dear to me recently and I am still trying to wrap my head around it, I am still trying to come to terms with the fact that I can’t pick up my phone to call or text my darling baby Elisabeth and get a reply almost immediately neither would I be privileged to see my baby’s white toothy smile again. None of this will ever happen because my baby has gone to be with the Lord.

    Elisabeth was a family friend, she was the little girl that I adored so much, and her energy was next to none. Elisabeth's smile was so contagious that you just had to smile back at her and her voice was the softest and the sweetest that I have ever heard. Elisabeth was just 16 years old and had gotten admission to the University to study Engineering but she died before she could achieve this dream of hers.


    I grew up seeing mostly old people die, I grew up knowing that young people rarely die but right now the rate at which young people die is alarming. I keep seeing RIP on pictures of babies, little children, teenagers, and youths and one can’t help but wonder what is currently going on in the world. Whatever happened to growing old and dying after living one’s dream?

    Elisabeth my baby died 5 hours after a fatal motor accident that had claimed the lives of three passengers leaving her severely injured and experiencing the worst 5 hours of her life, unable to fight anymore she gave up.


    A lot of people would say that you don’t get to experience the deep pains that come with death until it gets to your doorstep. Consoling people mourning is different from actually mourning the death of a loved one as it hits differently.

    I keep thinking about Elisabeth’s mother. Elisabeth was her only child, would she ever be happy again? How would she be able to get through all of these? How would all of these disappear from her mind?

    The last time I saw Elisabeth was at a church member’s wedding, if anyone had told me that I wasn’t going to see Elisabeth anymore I would have given the person a dirty slap. Who would have thought the last pictures and videos we took at the wedding would be the last time we would see in the flesh?

    Elisabeth has definitely left a big vacuum in our hearts and we do not know how we’d get used to her absence or when we would come to terms with the fact that she is no more.
    Our only consolation is that she is in a better place free from all the pains of this world and smiling down at us.

    RIP my baby🕊️ 🕊️

    All images are mine except otherwise stated.

    Thanks for stopping by
    Loads of Love🥰🥰

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