A Stroll Through Macedonia 🚶 INDEX

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Greetings, one and all! The people who know me know that I'm an avid walker. Frankly, I'm walking while writing this index. So it's not too much of a stretch to realize I've done countless Wednesday Walk posts.

    Figured why not put them all in one place. Easily accessible and easily updatable (is that a word?). Acting as a sort of tour of my country. Yes, I can see you're blown away by my brilliance (or not).

    I present to you a comprehensive list of each location and the themes therein. A list of each A Stroll Through:

    ▶️ Serava | A ghetto-like neighborhood that acts as a 'city within a city'.
    ▶️ Old Bazaar | For 600 hundred years this bazaar has stood. Since the Ottoman Empire ruled. Skopje was a vital trading post at that time.
    ▶️ Vardar Bay | Vardar is Macedonia's longest river. Here, we take a look at the bay in central Skopje.
    ▶️ Street Macedonia | Street Macedonia was built to connect the Old Bazaar with the transport station. It is one of the most visited landmarks in Skopje.
    ▶️ City's Wall: East Side | Skopje was ruined after a devastating earthquake in 1963. We take a look at the outcome of its rebuild.
    ▶️ City's Wall: West Side | Designed by famed Japanese architect, Kenzo Tange, we continue looking at what could've been.
    ▶️ Bit Bazaar | A stroll from my home to work. Passing through Skopje's biggest market.
    ▶️ Kale at Night | Kale is a fort overlooking the city of Skopje. We take a look at the city's center, as well as the fort, during a nightly stroll.
    ▶️ Lower Vodno | Vodno is a hill (mountain?) in the center of Skopje. It is often used for hiking. This particular hike only encompasses the lower parts of the mountain.
    ▶️ Canyone Matka | Canyon Matka lies just outside Skopje. In this walk, we take a hike up to a beautiful monastery.
    ▶️ Canyone Matka Part 2 | We take a look at said beautiful monastery and descend the hills to reach Canyone Matka.
    ▶️ Skopje Center Adjacent | We see a different side of the center of Skopje as I take a walk to a friend's house.
    ▶️ Bridges and Forts | Yet another look at the many streets present in Skopje. As well as a daytime view of the beautiful Fort Kale.
    ▶️ Mountain Wilderness, Veles | *Macedonia is a hilly country with lots of beautiful vistas. These vistas are on the outskirts of the Veles region, Central Macedonia.
    ▶️ R'levci, Veles | My sister bought a house in a remote village in the center of Macedonia. Let's explore!
    ▶️ Skopje; Appointment Day | I didn't know what to name this entry to pardon the name. We take another unseen region of Skopje.
    ▶️ Central Park Outskirts | The biggest park in Skopje, and its surroundings.

    More to come... for now, let me rest...

    Obligatory shout-out to the 🍕PIZZA🍕 gang, 🤙 gang. 🤙

    📱 All pictures taken by me using an iPhone 11 📱

    👊 Follow me on my HIVE blog 👊

    Thanks for reading and I hope everyone's week is going well! 🍻

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