Beautiful crochet earrings, inspired by MIU, a character from the holozing game.

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Welcome to my blog!


    Hello to all my friends of this community #holozing, I hope you are well, happy Sabbath day, may the Angel of Jehovah deliver us from all evil and help us to fulfill all our goals. Many blessings.


    Today I want to show through a tutorial, how to make beautiful crocheted earrings, inspired by MIU , character of the holozing game. Here in this project, I knitted a MIU, harmless and playful , I hope you like it.


    Materials for the realization of the beautiful earrings crocheted by MIU:

    • Knitting yarn , in the following colors: gray, white , green and orange.
    • Knitting needle.
    • Wool needle.
    • Hook for the pendant.
    • Blue beads and ornaments.
    • Scissors and tweezers
    • Sticks.


    Steps for the realization of the woven earrings:

    • The first thing we are going to do, is to take the gray thread and the needle, then we make a magic ring, inside the ring we put 6 low stitches.
    • At the end close with slipped stitch, pull the thread of the ring until the center is closed.
    • For row 2, pick up a chain and in each stitch make an increase, this row will have 12 stitches. Close with a slip stitch.
    • For the 3rd row, pick up a chain, then pick up a single crochet, then a single crochet, another single crochet and a double crochet, so you will make the sequence in this row, for a total of 18 stitches. Close with slip stitch.


    • For the fourth row, pick up a chain, make 3 single crochet stitches in each stitch and an increase. That would be 24 stitches. Follow the sequence mentioned above. Finish in slip stitch.
    • Then row 5 , Pick up a chain and the sequence of 4 single crochets in each stitch and an increase for a total of 30 stitches.
    • Now we are going to make the ears.
    • Pick up a chain, pick up a loop and count three stitches and there we introduce the needles making a double crochet, we make another double crochet inside the same stitch, a half double crochet and a half double crochet. We pick up a chain and under the chain we make a slip stitch. Inside the same stitch we knit a double crochet, another double crochet and a half crochet. We take a loop and count three stitches and in that space we put the needle and make a slip stitch.
    • Now we knit three slip stitches. Now we have made MIU's ear.
    • To make the other ear, we do the same.



    • Now we will make the eyes, mouth and whiskers:
    • Eyes: with the white yarn , we knit a magic ring, inside the ring we put 12 high stitches and close with a slipped stitch.
    • With the green yarn we knit a magic ring and inside we make 6 low stitches and close with a slip stitch.
    • With the orange thread we make the mouth and with the black thread we make the whiskers.
    • The excess yarn is trimmed with the scissors.


    • To finish the earrings, we introduce the beads inside the stick and the ornament with the clip is bent, now we hang the stick with the beads of the woven earring and in this way, the earrings are made.


    Final result of the beautiful earrings inspired by MIU



    Thank you for reading my post, I hope you like it.
    The photos are mine, taken with Infinix phone, edited with incollage and translated with DEEPL.

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