Fell Dragon Book 8 Part 10

in voilk •  28 days ago

    Welcome Readers

    This weekend was so busy, I barely had the time to look at my PC much less write on it. Fell Dragon is moving swiftly along, but Fledgling seems to be faltering a little as I don't have much time to work on it.

    And I discovered that Dragonage Vanguard is coming out soon, and that will pretty much be the end of my writing, as I am a huge fan. I hope it's as good as it looks.

    Anyway, please enjoy today's update! It's a sweet one.

    Saasha sat with the shackles in her hands. It had been the one thing she had asked for in exchange for sitting with Brucel as he had them removed. The holes that were once meant to allow a key to open the shackles had long since rusted shut, making it near impossible to open unless cut from the Saith. The two of them hadn’t said a word to each other until the metal finally fell away.

    They had parted just as silently, with Brucel saying nothing more than, “Thank you.”

    For a long time, the queen rolled the pieces of metal between her hands, remembering the feel of them on her skin when she had worn them. Her brothers had freed her, and she hadn’t been forced to wear them for as long as Brucel had. Yet, as she had watched the man sit stoically through their removal, she couldn’t help but feel the pain and sorrow that was coming from him. Removing these shackles was more than just a way to free himself. He was cutting himself free from a world that no longer existed, and it had been painful for him.

    She knew what she had to do but she had no idea how it would be received. She had boxed up the metal with strict instructions to a servant and he had disappeared with it. It took a week for the servant to return with what Saasha had hoped would ease the giant’s pain a little. Now she just needed the courage to have it delivered.

    She had never sought out the Saith, as looking at him resulted in painful, sleepless nights for the Queen. However, this was something that she needed to do. Larden had made him jump through hoops to show that Brucel was willing to do anything to make living in this time as peaceful as he could. While Saasha was still aware of how dangerous he was, but she now knew that he was capable of trying to change.

    Before the small wooden box had been returned to her, she had spent several days before her husband’s grave. She had spoken to him at length, never expecting an answer, but hoping her feelings would abate. They never did, but there was no guilt. Larden had been right. Brucel would have accepted her being happy again. However, would he still have felt the same had he known she still wanted to be with him, in whatever form she could have?

    Now with the small square box in her hands, she had gathered her courage to go to the Royal Guard mansion. She was well aware that Saita had given the giant some time to relax after having his shackles removed, and Brucel had remained with their eldest son.

    Saasha centred herself as she approached the giant house that had been hers and Brucel’s so many decades ago. She tried to avoid this place as much as possible after giving it to Larden. The memories were seeped into the stone and already she could hear them playing in her head.

    The day after she and Brucel had been wed, the day he had shown her the room they would be sharing. The rooms they would have filled with children. The majority of the rooms remained empty, only ever seeing three children, and not for very long. It wasn’t the large family that he had wanted, but he hadn’t lived long enough to regret it.

    Saasha paused as she ran a hand over the wall next to the entrance. She would have happily given him another child after a few years as the General of the Royal Guard. She had always wished for a daughter, especially when Larden and Jethron were getting older and more rambunctious, she had wanted something a little calmer. Now, she would never know what that would have been like.

    A noise caught her attention, and she went round to the back of the house where a tall tree stood. This was a tree she had always been concerned about, especially when Jethron was learning to use his wings. She had threatened to have it cut down, but Brucel had refused. It had been his sanctuary after his parents died and he wasn’t going to lose it, despite his wife’s insistence.

    She knew she should have expected the older Saith in the tree. It was his place to think, and it had been hers after he had left her so long ago. She couldn’t see him, but she did see the grey tail twitching from a branch, just within her reach. She grinned and silently crept forward until she was below him. She reached up and lightly squeezed his tail.

    It was clear that she hadn’t been as silent as she had hoped because instead of startling Brucel, he glanced down at her in curiosity. They stared at each other for a few minutes before Saasha lifted the small box to him.

    Silently, Brucel wrapped his tail around it and lifted it to his face. He looked at it in a mixture of surprise and confusion. He then looked down at the queen, but she said nothing.

    Gripping a branch above him, Brucel lifted himself to get more comfortable. He then gripped the box in one hand while the other opened it. Within the wooden box, resting on some blue material, were two, identical thin bracelets. They were unadorned with a simple clasp that could be opened and closed by bending the bracelet around it.

    “Larden has told me that you have been struggling since you had the shackles removed.” Said Saasha softly.

    “Is that why you asked for the metal?” whispered Brucel as he looked down at her.

    She nodded, “I thought since you had nothing left but those shackles and your memories maybe you’d like them back. At least in a different form.”

    Brucel continued to look at the bracelets and Saasha didn’t know what he was thinking. Her heart was racing, and she hoped that he saw this as some kind of apology for how she had reacted earlier in the year. She hadn’t been fair to him or the situation he had been in, but she couldn’t help but feel the way that had she felt. She had hoped that this token would make him feel more welcome since he had been visiting all their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. She had heard he had even started talking to Jethron and the boy had been over the moon.

    She was so distracted by her thoughts, that she didn’t notice Brucel was moving until he had landed on his feet before her. He was still as imposing as he had always been, but now he looked so confused, and it looked like he wasn’t sure whether he should look at her or the box.

    It looked like he was going to ask a question but wasn’t sure how to phrase it. Saasha was terrified that he would ask her why. She didn’t know how to answer that question. She knew the answer but didn’t know how to voice it.

    Seeing her reluctance to look him in the eye, Brucel simply took one of the bracelets and put it on his right wrist. He didn’t know how to feel about what the queen had done. This was out of character for her. She had made it clear to him that she hated him for what he had done. Yet, this gift wasn’t necessary, nor had he asked for it. He had tried to keep his feelings about letting his past go a secret from his son, but there was too much of his mother within him. Had he put her up to this?

    No, this had all been her. Silly sentimental things like this had always been in their lives. The wild herb she grew up with was in almost all their meals. The small wildflower she wanted at their wedding. This. The gift and interactions spoke volumes to the Saith who was desperate to have his partner back in his life. He had had these thoughts for a year now and had felt guilty ever since they had first entered his mind. He wondered if she had felt the same way. He picked up the second bracelet.

    “I figured you may be more comfortable having one on each wrist until you were capable of moving forward and being rid of them.”

    He knew what he had to do, but he had no idea how it would be received. He had taken the time to learn what had happened to Saasha after her Brucel had been killed. Just thinking of the medical reports he had managed to find, made him sick. He had no idea how she had survived much less managed to carry their youngest to full term. It had been a miracle. She had been a miracle. She always had been, and he had loved her for it.

    Taking a deep breath, he reached for her right arm and placed the last bracelet around her wrist. It was clear Saasha was deeply shocked and didn’t know what to say or do but didn’t snatch her arm away or pull the metal free.

    “To remind both of us.” He whispered as he pulled away.

    Saasha stared at the Saith before her in shock. She then looked at the cold piece of metal resting on her wrist. She hadn’t expected this and at first, she hadn’t understood why. Then she thought about what he had said, and then she realised what he was trying to say. Had he known all along? Or did he also have the same feelings that he had been trying to hide?

    She didn’t care anymore. Barely able to keep her emotions in check, she threw her arms around his middle and hugged him, as if terrified he would slip from her grasp once more. Brucel relaxed as the queen accepted his request of her. He wrapped his arms around her and closed his eyes to enjoy what he had longed for so long.

    Next post, we'll look more into the Fell Dragon's history. See you all then!

    For those of you who have never heard of Fell Dragon you can find Book 1 here, Book 2 here, Book 3 here, and Book 4 here, Book 5 here, Book 6 here, and Book 7 here
    If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. I love discussing my books!
    As the series continues, it will combine with another book series I wrote. To avoid confusion about what is happening, introductory chapters will be introduced separately so that you don't have to be lost. However, these chapters will contain spoilers. You can find these chapters here:
    Races Explained
    Royal Guard
    Saasha’s Direct Family
    Saith Characters Recap
    Human Characters Recap
    Alternate Timeline Brucel
    If you want to join the Reader's list, just ask or follow me for updates on this and my other stories.

    Haven't read the other parts yet? Follow these handy links:
    Part 9>>You are Here>>Part 11 (Friday)
    Reader's List
    @weone, @merenludick, @clairemobey, @therneau, @blitzzzz, @pravesho, @joetunex, @captainquack22, @irisworld, @braaiboy, @sketchygamerguy, @fuego-oscuro, @felt.buzz, @dibblers.dabs, @brittandjosie, @tamacvet, @alonicus, @joetunex, @zakludick , @pixelhuntersam

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