I don't want to live forever

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Thoughts of living forever have crossed my mind. I've imagined what it would be like if I could live and never die, and I realized that it's not something I want.

    There is a popular saying that "nothing lasts forever" and there is a reason for that. You see, I don't want to live forever because I believe that at some point in my old age, life may not have any appeal. Imagine what it would feel like seeing the people you grew up with, the ones you love, grow old and die, but you're still alive. Then imagine that cycle repeating. You keep seeing people being born, growing up, and then die. It seems like torture to me. You keep seeing your loved ones die century after century. That is just the bad side of living forever.

    I've seen this kind of thing in movies where someone is immortal and has to suffer the pain of seeing their loved ones die. It made me further emphasize my position about living forever.

    I believe that we all have our purpose on earth. When we do our part in the duration of time we have, then we go. Things have to end for something new to begin.

    Nothing should last forever, otherwise life would be boring. I see some old people and how weak and fragile they are. Some of them even seem like they are tired of living. It makes me wonder what life would be like if they were to live forever.

    It's difficult having to see different generations repeatedly if one were immortal. One will have to adapt to different cultures over and over again.

    I understand that some people are scared of death, and that's alright. But the truth is that death must come at some point. It's the natural order of things.

    The thing that death and having a limited number of years to live brings is that you live your life with purpose. Knowing that the time you have to live is limited, you will strive to make the right decisions, you will try to have an impact in this world as quick as you can. For instance, for an average person, because we have a limited amount of time to live, we want to go to school and finish on time. We want to get a job or a skill and make money while we are young. We want to get married, have kids and train them to become adults. On the other hand, if we had an unlimited amount of time to live, no one would be in a hurry to achieve things. There would be no motivation for it. Rather, people would be non-chalant because, after all, they have forever.

    In conclusion, I prefer living a finite life that is fulfilled than living forever. There's comfort in knowing that I have achieved a lot in the limited time I have.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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