High on my silver wish list - Memories of my daughters

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Wishlist samoa mermaid and daughter 2023.png

    Wish list

    When I was dreaming and browsing through all sorts of silver for the days of Christmas initiative, I wrote about wanting to have a few coins that represent my children. For example, find one from their birthyears and then with an image on it that reflects some memory or something they love, etc.. Now there's one thing that I know and that's that we all love cats, I think at the time I was hoping to find one with a cat for my son. I bookmarked some and even though they seem rare and expensive, I have not really found the right one for a good price since, even though I've been looking.

    Some of the coins on my list from December were those that you dream about and a huge purchase, most-likely not something I'm going to spent on just one coin anytime soon. But a girl can dream, right? And so I will!


    I've been thinking recently on how to expand my idea of buying coins representing my children and I bookmarked a few with a unicorn for my youngest recently as I think she will love it when I buy one of them. I was in doubt about the colourized version or silver one, hence at the time my reason for the question to the community what their thoughts are about the colourized coins. I tend to agree it's not worth the extra premium. I may end up buying one of these unicorn rounds but I think I will buy another one first.


    Another type of coin that has passed my screen many times, and has been bookmarked are those Samoa mermaid silver rounds. I noticed them in one of my searches and then I saw @silversaver888 sharing one reminding me about the existence and bookmarking it from a shop here in Spain. I haven't pulled the trigger yet, maybe now I understand why because there is another one that I didn't learn about until today reading this post from Silversaver, again, lol and felt that THIS is the one I need to buy instead of the other mermaid coins.

    If I had endless funds, I'd love to buy them all but I don't and at this moment I'm therefore mostly leaning to those coins that speak to me in a certain way and this one instantly spoke to me. I want to have two, one for each daughter as even though the year is not representing their birth years, this one represents me and my daughters for me.

    Funny memories of them and water

    Although we grew up in Holland, except my youngest as she just lived there 3 months of her life, we had these inflatable pools in our garden during summer. Sadly, it usually meant we had a few good weeks to use the pool and then the water would turn green because the hot weather never lasted long enough to make it worth having a huge pool filled up and constantly cleaned, but with kids, you still want to have one to cool off. Heat waves in Holland in-land are so much worse than one here in Spain living at the coast where you at least have a nice breeze. Even in-land here in Spain (where we also lived through a very hot summer) was less worse because of the humidity differences.

    The oldest

    I can still see my oldest (back then my only child) walking through our huge pool in the garden, with these inflatable things on her arm saying "pemme! pemme!" She was just tall enough to keep her head above the water and she wanted to say "zwemmen! zwemmen!" which means "swim! swim!" in Dutch. It was so funny and she had a blast.. She really loved the water and was little water rat. Sadly I never witnessed her get her swimming diploma thanks to her dad. But the memories remain..

    The youngest

    Then we have our lady who's with us, from my current boyfriend and we experienced the same situation with this young lady when she was a tiny human. It was in the pool in our little town near Granada where she'd shout "Pemme papa, pemme!" and I can still see the moment in front of my eyes when I think about it. She too loves water, sadly for her we have had a lack of pools since we moved back to Spain, and I can only wish that this green looking pool that lies within our community garden right now is going to be taken care of in time so that all these children will be able to use it in summer.

    Scottsdale mint

    The coin is minted by the Scottsdale mint and these are the specs:


    I saw they also offer an antique and colourized version:


    For me the extra premium on the colourized one is not worth it, and although I do appreciate some other antique versions of coins I've seen and would probably buy some in the future, in this case, I'm going for the regular silver version.

    I already found and bookmarked the shop where I'm going to buy it, but I will first have to get some funds to do so as I will buy a few more things to make up for the shipping fees.

    Thank you for bringing this one to my attention @silversaver888!

    Pictures used from the Scottsdale Mint

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