Apocalyptic Homesteading (Day 1191)

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Hello Everyone!

    A mostly sleepless night, Doing land research, Perhaps an end to solitude & Whoa I am feeling manic!

    Alright, I am running about twenty minutes behind schedule with my writing routine... because I kept procrastinating getting out in the chilly weather and doing my late day chores. I should really bump the timeframe back even more because alas there is still a good amount of daylight left... and I should be maximizing it as much as possible.

    Last night I had a heck of a hard time falling asleep... but at least this time it was due to getting way too excited (and downright manic) over the next phase of my life. By the time that I actually drifted off it was well past four o'clock in the morning... and I sure had quite the time both remaining asleep and getting up at a reasonable hour.

    Sleeping in like that is something that I need to avoid given that most of my correspondences (when I have them) occur early in the day... and this morning was no exception to that. I felt really bad for missing so many messages related to moving and searching for land... but thankfully I had sent a list of places that I had found (along with notes on each one) via email late last night.

    My poor little frigging brain has been in overdrive and today I spent nearly every waking moment scouring property listings, looking at maps... and basically doing as much research as I could before passing the prospective places onto that buddy of mine. Most likely I will continue doing that this evening... and write up a similar email message as the one that I did last night.

    Like I was saying in yesterday's entry I am more or less just trying to find something that I can make work... and not being all that picky in the process of researching the areas. There are of course a few things that I make sure about, like the proximity of superfund sites, crime rates and registered sex offenders... but overall I am not doing nearly as much research as I would like to be doing.

    Part of my thinking with all of that is that whatever I am doing, I need to do it quickly... because not only am I on a timeline to be moved by the end of May... but also I want to do the unavoidable site prep while the cooler weather lasts. Honestly, I do not mind being in a less than ideal (and uncomfortable) scenario during the cooler months as much as I dislike doing it in the warmer months.

    There is also the whole 'snake factor' and it is way better to wipe out any rodents before the snakes start moving... than risking the dogs on it while the snakes are active. Like I have said before, I am unsure what kind of scenario I will be going into... and it is just all around safer to get settled in before the snakes wake up for the year.

    For all I know I might actually wind up not being 'in the woods' at all... and although I have extremely conflicting feelings over living near humans again... I kind of just 'have to' if I cannot find something affordable (and practical) in a more remote area. I keep picturing myself living in a suburb (even a rural one) and yeah I cringe to my core at the idea of it... but I will just have to buckle down and deal with it if that is the case.

    I know that folks seldom understand my sentiment with all that stuff... but I am so spoiled on having my seclusion, solitude and peace of mind that any notion of that being infringed upon is quite bothersome to me. As I have remarked upon before 'I know what to expect from me each day' which is not something that I can say about other folks... and I am perfectly content to be absolutely alone in the world.

    All that said, if I have to stop being a hermit for a time (so that I can improve my life) I am willing to do it... and that is mainly because in the back of my mind I know that I will eventually find a way to live in reclusion again... eventually. Not to 'muddy the water' too much in that regard... but I just lack the desire to have my life become complicated via social interactions... given the simplicity that I have found in solitude.

    Anyways, I did manage to go on a few hikes throughout the day in an effort to wear myself out some... and hopefully it helped dispel some of the nervous energy that kept me up so late last night. I also made a concerted effort to 'take in' as much of the woods as I could... and fix the scenery (and sense of solitude) in my memory in case I find myself in a more urban environment over the coming months.

    Aside from all that jazz, I did manage to get my routine chores done... and although I considered packing more stuff down... I also did not want to bring the water system back online (so I could wash myself afterwards) just to have to drain it again tonight... before the temperature plunges below freezing. I know that process does not seem like all that big of a deal... but whoa it is a frigging hassle and the last thing that I need at the moment is more 'hassle' in any shape or form!

    Well, I think that is all the words that I have in me for this entry... and I need to now focus my manic energy elsewhere. I hope that everyone is doing well and 'keeping their chin up' if they can! Ta ta for now.

    If you look close you can see the moon near the center of the image.

    Thanks for reading!

    Please check out the Homesteading Community!

    Cheers! & Hive On!

    All content found in this post is mine!

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