My Favorites

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hello everyone, I am glad to participate in this three favorite post challenge. I was going through my feed yesterday and I came across the challenge and I couldn’t help but jump on it.

    Choosing only three posts as my favorite out of the tons of posts that I have published over time on the chain was such a hassle but finally, I was able to choose my three favorites after much pondering.
    To achieve this I had to go down memory lane, I visited my old posts, and these three posts that I am about to share with you all stood out.

    These were posts I made when I was at my lowest and writing them down could be likened to penning down my emotions in their raw state in my diary.

    Writing over the years has been therapeutic. A couple of my posts were written when I was either going through a challenge or trying to get advice from people here and it’s safe to say that these type of posts turn out really great, you know what happens when I let it all out? I always feel light and happy.

    These three posts are personal to me and editing them back then was really hard. These are the only posts that I published on the chain that I had to shed some tears while writing and editing them as the feelings associated with these posts are so deep.

    This first post is a Letter to my late Mum


    This post was written a day after Mother’s Day in March 2023. Seeing people celebrating their mothers on that day made me really sad. I had missed my mum greatly that day and after so many years I had a major trigger. In this post, I penned down the most heartfelt letter to my mother.

    With every word that I wrote deep down in my heart I had wished she read it wherever she was and if possible write back😂but then again if wishes were horses beggars would ride right?

    This second post was my entry to the Ladies to Hive contest in November where we were asked to write a letter to our loved one in heaven. This contest created an opportunity for me to write a second letter to my mum.


    This letter was a follow-up on the first one, where I filled my mother in on some of the things she had missed and appreciated all her unique qualities. In this post I didn’t cry as much as I cried in the first one, let’s say home girl grew some balls😃😃

    In this last post, I talked about Dysmenorrhea which is also called Menstrual cramps.


    For someone who has had dysmenorrhea for years, I shared my story with the ladies in the Ladies of Hive community, I talked about how I was so ready to see my period back then without knowing about the pains associated with it till my period started. I also shared the climax of my dysmenorrhea with the ladies.

    It was heartwarming to know the number of ladies who could relate to my story and how supportive they were.

    This post is one of my favorites as I had drafted it when the cramps were hitting me so hard, I later edited and published it when I was alright.


    I chose these three posts as my favorites because of how I felt when I was writing them, the timing was so perfect. So let’s say sharing these poignant stories with Hiveans and having people support me emotionally was one of the best feelings I have ever had in a long while. More like people saying “ We’ve got you IB and you are not alone”😃

    Hive would forever be my safe haven, a place where I can lay my hair down without being laughed at, embarrassed, or judged😃

    It was fun participating in this contest as I had to go down memory lane.

    If you wish to participate in this contest you can check for the details in this post and subscribe to the community as well.

    All images are mine except otherwise stated.

    Thanks for stopping by
    Loads of Love🥰🥰

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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