Cassava: from Harvest to Germination

in voilk •  last month


    It has bee a while since posted an update on my vegetable garden. It is already rainy season here in our region and it is a good thing that I harvested my cassava crops right at the beginning of the rainy season. I planted the cassava last September 2023. It takes 10 to 14 months before it is ready to harvest.


    Below is a gif showing how I harvest Cassava. Uprooting is the normawal way of harvesting Cassava but it depends on the soil. If the soil is sandy the Cassava can be pulled right aways. But if the soil is clay pulling it up is not advisable since all of its root crops will surely snap and will be left at the soil.

    Separating the tubers

    After I uprooted all my Cassava crops I have to separate the tubers from the stem using a bolo or a knife. Separating the tubers is an easy task because it is not a delicate rood crops and very easy to clean too. Check out the gif image below where I am separating the tubers from the stem.

    Storing the tubers

    Since the tubers are not a delicate root crops any dry container would do as storage container. Usually, I am seeing Cassava farmers storing the tubers just inside a shade or roof and sometimes it doesn't need to be covered.

    Cutting the stem for germination

    Cassava is one of the most resilient and easy to propagate crops. Once you harvested them you can now cut the stem in a desired length and then germinate so that they can be planted once again (and the cycle continues). Below is a gif image where I am cutting the Cassava stem for another cycle of cropping.

    Germinating the stems

    Germination the stem is a very easy task. You just need a clean container and then put all the stem in it and put water then wait for them to develop roots. When the roots are the size of the length of a rice grain they are now ready to be planted.

    That is all for now guys, catch you up with the next one. Wishing you all safety, good health, and abundance.

    Thank you very much to all of the Hive Ecosystem Curation Teams/Individuals, I am very grateful for the upvotes/curation/support. God bless you all!

    I am a Computer Engineer, blogger, farmer, gardener, father, and husband. I love countryside living, nature, and farming (rice/vegetables), and I have two decades of experience as an I.T. professional

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