in voilk •  5 months ago


    Hannah had to laugh at the absurdity of the clairvoyant's prediction, she never did believe in clairvoyants anyway. She was a 26 year old drop dead gorgeous lawyer who worked at one of the biggest law firms in town. She had angelic baby blue eyes and her ferocious attitude and dedication to her work has made her quite popular among her colleagues. Her life looked perfect on the outside but she was dying inside which was why she was here for a reading.

    "You don't believe me?"

    The clairvoyant, Lady Osun asked her smiling.

    "Well, you said it."

    "I guess we'll have to wait and see then."

    "Well, I won't be doing the waiting."

    "I see it happening sooner than you think, and your enemy just might be your best friend."

    "Yeah, right, whatever."

    She drops the consultation fee, hangs her bag on her shoulder and walks out feeling even more upset than she was when she came in.

    "Has your client called?"

    Donald asks, strolling into Hannah's office casually like he belonged there.

    God! she couldn't stand the guy, she hated his guts.

    "I don't believe it's any of your business."

    She snaps at him.

    He unbuttons his suit as he pulls out a chair on the opposite side of her and slides into it like a snake.

    "Actually, it is my business. I'm one of the senior associates in this firm. It's my duty to ensure nothing affects business negatively here.

    She would rather chew on underwear and die than admit he was right. Dry, sweaty day old underwear.

    "I've got everything handled, you can show yourself out of my office."

    Donald was a senior associate and she shouldn't be speaking to him like that, but there was no love lost between them. He had had it out for her since she came for an interview. He had grilled her hard, and she answered his questions smoothly. He didn't even seem impressed that she had finished at the top of her class. There were lots of her on the streets he said. It was no thanks to him that she was hired.

    Shinning his perfect white teeth that complimented his striking facial features, he stands and buttons his suit. All the women in the building said he was handsome, and yeah, she could conceed that much to herself but she was not impressed. He was in his early thirties and didn't even look it. His body was to die for, and she has seen him making jokes and laughing hard with other people except her. In another world, they might have been friends, but he hated her and the feeling was mutual.

    Ann, one of the paralegals knocks and enters the office bearing a bouquet of red roses, and a gift bag,

    "Sorry to interrupt, another delivery for you."

    She announces and exits, placing the gift bag and the flower bouquet on the table.

    Inside the flower was a card with the inscription,

    "Chocolate is sweet, but you are sweeter, it's just a good thing that it's your favorite too I hope you are having a great day, stay beautiful as always. Your admirer."

    She didn't know what to make of this secret admirer that has been sending her gifts since the past year.

    He always had sweet words that lifted her mood every single time. She enjoyed the attention and always looked forward to each day's unique delivery.

    It didn't make sense, but she loved this faceless person that had become the highlights of her days.

    She smiles at the words and had almost forgotten Donald was still on his feet until he cleared his throat.

    "You should tell your boyfriend to stop sending you gifts at work, it's unprofessional. You know, smiling at work over silly stuff could get you distracted and affect your work."

    Was he being serious right now? Just who did he think he was? She badly wanted to give him a piece of her mind but what good will it do? Instead, she hisses and stares him down as he makes his exit.

    "Will you be my val? I know it's short notice, but I really want us to meet. Say yes, please."

    Hannah puts the card on her table and looks inside the bag at her latest delivery. Inside the bag was a gold wristwatch, a dinner gown that looked simple enough until she saw the price tag that made her jaw drop, $4000. Who was this man, really?

    Mystery man was finally asking to see her.

    Her phone rings, jerking her out of her reverie. She picks the strange call with no caller id. Her line of work required her to pick all calls, it could be a client or a potential one.

    "Hello, who's this?"

    "Did you get my package?"

    She looked at her phone screen to check again, the voice wasn't one she recognized,

    "What package?"

    "The one that came with the question asking you to be my valentine."

    "It's you? Your voice changes all the time. What's the name of that app you use to distort your voice again?"

    "Meet me in the conference room at your building in fifteen minutes and I'll answer any question you have."

    Puzzled, she looks around.

    "Do you know where I work?"

    "I'll be waiting." He says and clicks off.

    She stands from her seat and steps out, almost running into Mabel, her favorite senior associate.

    "Where are you going in such a hurry?"

    "I have an appointment in the conference room."

    "Hold on, you once complained to me about Donald, how's he treating you now?"

    "He isn't treating me any better. I think he has some personal vendetta against me. "

    "He doesn't have a vendetta against you, he's been watching your back since you started working here."

    "That must be a mistake."

    "My dear, it was Donald that insisted that you be hired. His father is one of the partners with the largest amount of stake here and he has alot of pull. Their family is very wealthy. Who do you think has been sending clients your way?"

    "But he roasted me at the interview, there must be a mistake."

    "I don't know why, all I know is that after your interview, he flat out told us to hire you immediately."

    "Wow! I'm shocked. But...."

    Mabel cuts her off, "We'll talk after your meeting."

    Hannah takes careful steps as she enters the conference room and looks around,


    She calls out to the stranger who was seated with his back to her, only it wasn't a stranger, it was Donald.

    "What the hell are you doing here?"

    She asks, her nostrils inflating from anger.

    He stands and buttons his suit, approaching her as he does.

    "Chocolate is sweet, but you are sweeter. I asked you earlier if you will be my val, but you are yet to respond."

    This must be someone's stupid idea of a prank.

    "Is this a joke?"

    "It's not, it's me, your secret admirer. I'm sorry for deceiving you all along."

    "But, you hate me. I mean I don't understand. Wait, Donald, are you insane? Has all your family money eventually made you mad?"

    "I've loved you since the day you came for the interview,I had to grill you extra hard because I didn't want to be bias. I'm sorry, I didn't want you to hate me because you were in a relationship then. I could only admire you from the sidelines. I only decided to make myself known now that you and your fiance are no more together."

    "Shame on you, Donald, shame on you. How dare you make me fall in love with you under pretense? If I didn't hate you enough before, I hate you sufficiently now."

    He takes closer steps towards her and reaches out with his arms, maybe hoping for a hug.

    Twang! Was the sound of her palm connecting with his cheek. He lost his hearing for a few seconds. No one had ever slapped him in his life, but he had been a jerk and he deserved it. He was willing to take anything from her as long as he forgave him.

    She bursts into tears and rests her back on the wall.

    "I'm so sorry, I really am."

    He moves closer to her, cautiously this time but she pushes him away feebly, seeming exhausted.

    "I'm sorry I doubted you, you were right."

    Hannah says to Lady Osun, in the latter's house where they are seated on the balcony, sipping tea.

    "I told you, didn't I?"

    "My worst enemy truly became my best friend. I've never experienced love so sweet in my life."

    "And to think you didn't believe you could ever find love again after breaking up with your fiance. I saw it, it was as clear as day. I'm happy for you."

    Hannah leaned back on the chair with a smile on her face, thanking the universe that led Donald to her. He's the sweetest thing in her life right now, every single day with him was like unwrapping a box of delights. He was the sweetest thing ever and she has accepted to be his val.

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