in voilk •  5 months ago


    Earthquake is a unique ruleset which differ from other ruleset. Rather than solely grants certain abilities to the entire battle set, Earthquake caused a fix 2 (two) damage to all cards which isn't possessing Flying abilities. This ruleset has been a topic previously in the May 2023 Battle Mage (see this LINK). Therefor deploying cards with Flying would be a tremendous advantage and even more using Summoner which grants Flying to the entire formation.

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    Pros & Cons

    1. Players with vast Flying cards collection will benefit from avoiding Earthquake damage while deploying position which maximize damage output.
    1. Sutained Earthquake damage isn't always turn into a bad day. The demise of card with Martyr ability has turn into a key of victory for the formation. Damage from Earthquake is the damage needed to quickly trigger the Martyr effect.
    2. Utilizing armor and Repair is just another way to divert Earthquake damage, since those damage will affect armor before health.

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    Best Cards To Use

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    So here we have the battle experience with Earthquake as the ruleset. Click BATTLE LINK to see how the battle run.


    The battle has a maximum 32 mana cap, with Even Stevens and Earthquake as the rulesets; while all Splinters are made available except for the Dragon Splinters.

    For my formation I choose to use Kelya Frendul for its armor buff. The additional layer of armor will provide an extra round of protection against Earthquake effect to the entire formation. Then I decided to go with Wave Brood which possessed Taunt ability, which should divert all attack into this card while the rest are protected. I follow up with Pallus since its a Flying cards with Reach ability. This card should contribute significant damage while left untouched from Earthquake. Next will be Gargoya Lion which stay for reserve once the battle goes on attrition in the long run. Next there is Sea Stalker which I thought will be a good damage dealer. Lastly I spent zero mana just to put Torrent Fiend. Effectively my formation consist of only 4 cards, which in my opinion should limit the loss from Earthquake damage.

    My opponent decided to with Kelya Frendul, but led the frontline using Diemonshark. But curiously it is followed by Baakjira which is Non-Attack card. Baakjira certainly have a high health, but still it doesn't help in the long run, when it would slowly chipped by Earthquake damage. Merdhampir is a good choice when the frontline is solid and able to hold for several round, but Medhampir's Life Leech wouldn't keep up with the incoming damage. The rest are ranged cards which have decent health; they should survive at least up to the end of Round 4.


    My initiatives is fallen behind since Slow is cast upon my formation. Wave Brood has to sustain several damage and left with 6 health remaining. Meanwhile my formation only able to break away the Diemonshark and Baakjira armor, while their health are left untouched. But while my formation only sustain 3 times 2 damage; my opponent sustained 6 times 2 damage.


    Diemonshark trigger double blow from defeating Wave Brood. While Pallus able to avoid Igor Darkspear attack, it still has to absorb quite some damage. Sea Stalker put a huge pressure by dealing 4 damage into Bakkjira.


    The incoming Earthquake damage really cornered my formation. Torrent Fiend is no longer and Sea Stalker is left to its 3 health. Meanwhile my opponent survived the Earthquake although their health starting to get thinned down. Fortunately Pallus managed to avoid the heavy damage coming to it (from Diemonshark, Supply Runner, and Kulu Swimhunter). Sea Stalker ended Baakjira dominance by send its killing blow.


    The 3rd Earthquake is running down and now the formation is left to 4 against 3. Pallus finally withdrawn from attack done by Supply Runner. Gargoya Lion managed to survive the following attack and left with armor in stack. Sea Stalker shoot another killing blow into Medhampir.

    The battle finally over even before the 5th round is started. The defeat of my opponent is unavoidable as the upcoming Earthquake wipe out the last 2 cards with only 1 health remaining.

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    This is a great battle where it shows how Flying card would prevail by avoiding unnecessary Earthquake damage. My opponent who brashly deploy cards with no Flying ability ended up swallow the bitter pill from being run down of consistent Earthquake damage.


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