¡Hola hivers!💜
Espero que se encuentren bien y felices, querida comunidad. Escuchando un comentario de un vecino sobre alguien que sufre de la rodilla, recordé mis momentos cuando hacÃa fisioterapia para mi rodilla. Para hacerles el cuento corto: cuando tenÃa 18 años me caà y pegue la rodilla flexionada del filo de la acera, eso ocasiono que mi rótula saliera y volviera entrar, inflamandose mi rodilla y dejándome con dolor y sin poder caminar.
Logre superar eso con fisioterapia. Ahà conocà a Maria Gabriela, la fisioterapeuta de las fotos. Hablamos de que esto fue en el 2012, todavÃa ella no tenÃa su propio consultorio. Para el 2017, bajé muchÃsimo de peso y eso debilitó mi musculatura. Asà que un dÃa amanecà con la rodilla inflamada de nuevo y bueno muchÃsimas cosas salieron a la luz en ese momento. El traumatólogo me volvió a referir a fisioterapia. Esta vez fue un poco más grave, andaba con bastón y no podÃa subir escaleras. Estaba que lloraba porque justo iniciaba el semestre en la UDO (Universidad de Oriente) y para ver mis clases tenÃa que caminar mucho y subir y bajar escaleras, asà que estaba desesperada. Ya sabia que Maria Gabriela tenÃa su consultorio y asistà con ella por un milagro.
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Los 5 dÃas de la semana durante al menos 15 dÃas asistÃa religiosamente en la tarde para ser atendida. Ella es muy jovial, alegre y mientras me ponÃa los electrodos o me estiraba aprovechamos de conversar de todo un poco. Se convirtió en una buena amiga. Mi hermano si estaba libre pasaba con la merienda y compartimos con ella y los demás pacientes. En mi horario siempre estaban unas morochas a las que les agarre mucho cariño y que fueron buenas amigas, aunque ahora estén fuera del paÃs.
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Creamos un grupo bonito y una vez nos reunimos para celebrar Halloween aunque ya no estuviéramos en consulta. Admito que en este momento oscuro en el que pensé que perderÃa el semestre y no podrÃa caminar con normalidad de nuevo, Maria Gabriela y esos pacientes me dieron luz y me ayudaron a sobrellevar el momento.
No fue la única vez que volvà con ella, y es una gran amiga y la mejor fisioterapeuta que conozco.
Gracias por leerme
Con cariño, G.
Hi hivers! 💜
I hope you are well and happy, dear community. Listening to a comment from a neighbor about someone who suffers from knee pain, I remembered my time when I was doing physiotherapy for my knee. To make a long story short: when I was 18 years old I fell and hit my bent knee on the edge of the sidewalk, which caused my kneecap to pop out and then pop back in, inflaming my knee and leaving me in pain and unable to walk.
I managed to overcome that with physical therapy. That's where I met Maria Gabriela, the physical therapist in the pictures. We talked about this was in 2012, she didn't have her own practice yet. By 2017, I lost a lot of weight and that weakened my musculature. So one day I woke up with a swollen knee again and well lots and lots of things came to light at that time. The traumatologist referred me to physiotherapy again. This time it was a little more serious, I walked with a cane and could not climb stairs. I was in tears because I was just starting the semester at the UDO (Universidad de Oriente) and to see my classes I had to walk a lot and go up and down stairs, so I was desperate. I knew that Maria Gabriela had her office and I went to her for a miracle.
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The 5 days of the week for at least 15 days I attended religiously in the afternoon to be attended. She is very jovial, cheerful and while she was putting on the electrodes or stretching me, we took the opportunity to talk about everything. She became a good friend. If my brother was free, he would come by with a snack and we shared with her and the other patients. In my schedule there were always some brunettes who I became very fond of and who were good friends, even though they are now out of the country.
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We created a nice group and once we got together to celebrate Halloween even though we were no longer in the office. I admit that in this dark moment when I thought I would lose the semester and would not be able to walk normally again, Maria Gabriela and those patients gave me light and helped me get through the moment.
It was not the only time I went back to her, and she is a great friend and the best physical therapist I know.
Thank you for reading me
With love, G..
Fotos: tomadas por mi
Traducción: Deepl
Photos: taken by me
Translation: Deepl