There was a protest yesterday

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Greetings everyone! 🙌

    On Tuesday night, while I was seated within the compound premises enjoying the fresh air before heading inside to sleep in the hell-like room, I heard an announcement. Although it was made in the city's dialect, the locals I was with interpreted it. It was said that the city would embark on a peaceful protest the following day, which was Wednesday, over the alleged relocation of a major faculty of the school in the town to another community. I didn't give it much attention because a lot of alarming things have been happening in the town, and nothing has been done. Also, I'm not the type to engage in loud talk, so I listened without contributing much and kept silent for them to rant to the fullest.

    Wednesday morning, I woke up as early as 5:00 am as usual, and by 8:00 am, I was at my desk when my phone rang. It was my boss calling to know what was happening in the busy area of the town because that's where I live, while he and his family live on the outskirts of the town. His reason for calling was that his wife's shop is very close to my house, and they wanted to know if the city was calm for them to move around. I walked outside, checked, and found that shops were not really opened, but everywhere was calm, and vehicles were not passing. At that time, I didn't know that the protest had begun in some other parts of the city. I gave him the report that everywhere was calm.

    I went back inside, and within 10 minutes, I heard loud noises coming from the main road. I rushed to see, and indeed, the road was filled with people carrying branches or trees, and placards in their hands—the protest was on.

    It's normal for people to protest, as it's a right for everyone. I brought out my phone to capture the moment, and immediately, the police in their van arrived with sirens blaring. They were there to disperse the protesters because, according to them, they were blocking the main roads. They came with force, armed with guns, whips, and tear gas, ready to quell the protest and disperse everyone.

    You know that anger that emerges when the police, who are supposed to maintain peace, are now the ones spoiling the moment? Yes, that's the kind of anger that emerged from the youth, and before we knew it, the protesters began shouting at the police to leave. But the police, being armed with superior weapons (guns), challenged them back and deployed tear gas. At that moment, I ran back inside and peeped at the scene, fearing a stray bullet might hit me. I was just trying to be a fun-filled journalist, not a professional. Lol 😅

    The protesters defied the tear gas, covering their noses with clothes, and began throwing stones at the police. The police wanted to respond with guns, but they knew it would escalate things further, so they turned back and drove away.

    That's how the city was throughout yesterday. There was no movement because all major entrances to the city were blocked with burning tyres. Businesses were shut down, not even petrol stations or banks were in operation.

    At the time of writing this (8:20 am Thursday), everywhere seems calm, and we've returned to our normal lifestyle.

    I hope the government listens to their reasons for protesting.

    Thanks for reading.

    All images are mine

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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