Some fun dog stuff with mostly my own dog

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Recently I have been making a genuine effort to go out less because at least where I live, going out almost always incorporates drinking too much. I am not an alcoholic but I do experience impulse control because for the most part when I do go out I don't really want to be out and I placate this nervousness by drinking beer rapidly. Not only does this kind of ruin my night and my sleep but it of course ruins my following day and my interactions with my "fur child." Lately, I have just been spending a bunch more time with my dog, exercising, and probably spending a bit too much time looking a videos online.

    I did get a few decent photos or stories out of this time though because it is pretty amazing how much more clarity I have for basically everything in my life when I don't have an alcohol cloud surrounding me at all times.

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    We start this hit parade off with a lovely day that Nadi and I spent on the rooftop completely booze free. I was just reading a book, getting a bit of sunshine, and enjoying what little remains of the only time of year that I consider the weather to be bearable in Vietnam. This time of year you can be outdoors for hours at a time and while I realize it is not a good idea to spend all of that time in the sun it would be unbearably hot to even attempt this during most of the year. In other times of the year it is far too hot to even be out of the pool for more than 10 minutes or so and it is even worse for Nadi who is wearing a fur coat that she is incapable of taking off. She loves coming up here but during the hot times of year she is clearly suffering and therefore we never stay very long. I honestly don't use my rooftop pool very often because it is crazy hot here most of the year, even if you are in the shade.

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    Next up we have a Korean delivery restaurant that I recently tried and it was really good. I'm sure for any of you out there that have dogs you are well aware of the permanent stare that you will receive from your doggie friend and Nadi is unwavering in this end. Even though I rarely intentionally give her any "people food" she will stare at me with those sad eyes regardless of how long it takes for me to eat it all. She serves as my floor cleanup for anything that I drop.

    As Nadi gets older I have to be increasingly picky about what sort of non dog food that I give her because her tummy has become more sensitive as she gets older. If I get a bit crazy with the human snacks that I give her it is all but guaranteed these days that she is going to throw it up multiple times on the floor throughout the house. This concerns me, but she is no spring chicken anymore and this is just part of dogs getting older.

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    This is unrelated to my dog but just a forward that a friend of mine sent me from wherever they got it from. Use this handy chart to see if what you are thinking of feeding your dog is right for them!


    I spend a lot of time looking after my dog. I think all pet owners have a tendency to treat their dogs like a human child but this one was funny to me. While I am sure that Nadi likes me a lot I am sure that much of this comes from the fact that I am basically the only thing that she knows. However, I honestly believe that given the right treat motivation that you or anyone else could kidnap her and she wouldn't even mind as long as the treats kept coming.

    A lot of what the crying person says is true in my own life. I don't spend "all my money" on her and I don't think most other people do as well. Dogs are actually pretty inexpensive to take care of if they are in good health and particularly if they are smol like mine is. I do agree with the fact that I plan my entire life around her. I routinely turn down invitations to go somewhere in another city because I am not going to leave her in a boarding house where she will just be forced to sit in a kennel all day long. Unfortunately DaNang doesn't have a high-end dog hotel and while this is mean to say, most of my friends are far too irresponsible to look after a plant, let alone the most important living creature in my life.


    I leave you with a pic of my dog that I may have actually posted before. It is hard to tell because the initial post bath dog pics always look quite similar. She has almost this look of pride on her face because she made it all the way through the torture session that we humans call baths. "Bath" is one of the few words that Nadi understands and if you say the word she looks away from you and kind of cowers. I make the baths take as little time as possible but in her mind, even one minute is too long. The good news is she turns into a puppy afterwards every time as her enthusiasm for no longer being in the bath gives her a sensation like no other. She also knows that a larger-than-average treat will be heading her way soon and well, that's what motivates her more than anything else.

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