My beloved Battle and Togo [ESP]

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Hello friends of this beautiful community, how are you all? I hope well, I always wish you much success and achievements in all your dreams.

    Today I want to share with you some pictures where I show you my daughters' pets, and they are also an essential part of the family, they are two Cuban Creole dogs, one 10 years old and one 3 years old, you can imagine with that age difference the younger one is always bothering the older one lol. Of course the smaller one wastes all his energy with the older one, he never leaves him alone, one moment he bothers him and another moment he eats him with affection.



    The older one is called Battle and the other one is Togo, although I always call him Tobo, and that bothers my daughters because they named them themselves, and they tell me that I say it wrong, they named him after the dog in the movie that saved many people when he dragged the sled through many kilometers of ice to get there on time.


    Battle is black and has no tail, he was born that way, he has a very strong look that sometimes produces a little fear, but he is very affectionate with everyone in the house, especially with the children, this Battle adores my husband, if he sees that we hug immediately runs out and hugs my husband and starts to cry lol, and is placed between my husband and me and until he does not separate us he is not calm.

    When my daughters' friends visit them he quickly places himself in the middle of the group and is even part of the conversation, and when he wants attention he starts to pass his body through the feet of anyone in the house as if he were a cat and until he is petted he doesn't stop, he is very spoiled, but he is very good.

    Togo e very different is a very energetic doggy, he is always doing something and barking constantly, he is affectionate but with my husband he likes to play nibbling everything he finds, when Battle doesn't want to play with him, he starts barking desperately and poor battle has to get up and play for a while because otherwise they don't let him rest.






    Well community this is all for today, I hope you read me and share with me criteria and moments with your pets, strong greetings to all, and thanks for reading me.

    All photos are my property and were taken with my Alcatel cell phone.

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