Freeing the Shadow Fortress from the evil clutches of Goblins | Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen

in voilk •  3 months ago



    Welcome my dear brothers and sisters lovers of the wonderful world of video games.

    This time I come to share with you an advance in my adventures in the world of Dragon Dogma Dark Arisen, my next main mission was to recover one of the king's fortresses, it was **The fortress of the shadow, a huge castle hidden in the darkness and that the Trolls have dominated and claimed it as theirs, so it was time to face a fierce battle against these creatures.

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    Reaching the Shadow Fortress was not easy, because along the way there is a huge and powerful dragon guarding the area, the same for now I could not present screenshots of him because I always stayed away from him, since a single hit can kill me.

    This is the outside of the fortress, in fact it is very noticeable how desolate and chaotic it is, from what I understand from the game, in this fortress is where the fights against the enemies take place, mainly the Goblins, because inside it there is something that attracts them a lot and they always try to dominate it.

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    Once inside the fortress, I wanted to take some screenshots to show the fortress from the inside, it's a pity that this game doesn't allow me to take better screenshots because it's a bit old, but still, we do what we can to show you the epic things you can do in it.

    The fortress itself was very huge, I felt small to be in this place, exploring a little around I found the knights who are preparing to recover the fortress, but they can not enter because the Goblins locked the doors, but luckily, these Goblins are known to be very brute creatures, but strong.

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    These Goblins had previously dug a tunnel to enter the great wall of the fortress, catching the soldiers inside unawares, this time they had to go through the same thing and they only had 2 Goblins guarding the tunnel.

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    The only thing that seemed strange to me, is the few troops that had placed here, it is very strange knowing that anyone could enter through the same tunnel that they themselves had made, the truth is that everything was totally dark and only a few torches illuminated the way.

    Until I came out to the surface where they surprised me and ambushed me giving me a strong blow, although it was nothing to worry about, they only threw me down the stairs from the blow, but as my character is of the Tank type, he can resist all kinds of blows without reducing his vitality so much, even more with the vocation skills he has.


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    After getting up and fighting against these annoying Goblins, I found that I was at the top of the wall, where from here I could see all the enemies at the entrance of the final part of the fortress, since I was only on the wall, but something strange was happening to them, since they were all dying because they were trying to hold 2 Cyclops that they had there, one of them had armor with several shields, while the other one was totally naked.

    A part of the fortress was collapsed, so I had to run and jump to get to the other side, it was very exciting that moment, then I killed a Goblin that had a crossbow and I started to use it against the enemies.



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    It was very funny that moment when I was facing these Cyclops, since I could kill them without the need of a frontal confrontation, but from the crossbows.

    In the end I got tired of hitting them so much with it, that I decided to go down and finish beating them all up.

    Then I went inside the fortress and killed their captain, who was much bigger and tougher than all the Goblins I had faced before.

    Thank you very much for making it this far in my publication, I hope you enjoy it.



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    The separators are of my authorship, the images are screenshots taken from my player profile on my computer, the images have their source, the GIF edits are created by me.

    This is the program I used to create my design:

    Gif and cover courtesy of Canva

    Traslated by Deepl


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