"Sick or not sick, everyone works today," my father would say, quoting James Cagney in the movie One, Two, Three, if we kids attempted to feign illness. And unless my memory fails me, we were rarely ill. I had measles when I was around four, and my brother had chickenpox, but otherwise, I can’t recall any of us spending a day in bed sick. My father believed that illness was all in the mind, and give him his due, though a heavy drinker, he never missed a day at work through illness. Thus, we grew up largely without medical intervention and with a healthy suspicion of doctors.
So, if invited to do a clinical trial for a new medical "cure" for an illness, my answer would be a resounding no. In truth, I don’t believe that the pharmaceuticals peddled by the medical-industrial complex can cure anything. The best they offer is treatment, or in other words, suppression of the symptoms. At worst, they have side effects that require yet more medication, and round and round we go.
I’ve always had a keen interest in health and what makes one person get sick while another doesn’t, and to me, it’s about nutrition and toxicity. No nasty little viruses hiding around every corner waiting to attack, no sneaky germs lurking in the dark ready to pounce. The more toxic our environment, the more poisons we inject into babies from the moment of birth, and the more devoid of nutrition our food becomes, the sicker we get. We compound the problem when we take more poisonous substances in the form of medicine. Can our bodies really malfunction for the want of pharmaceuticals produced from petrochemicals?
In the future I think we’ll look back at 21st-century medicine as barbaric, poisoning, radiating, and hacking off pieces of our bodies and calling it healing.
There has to be a better way.
Posted in response to @galenkp's Weekend Experiences prompt asking ' you were invited to do a clinical trial for a new medical "cure" for an illness you had but the possible side-effects were completely unknown and there was no guarantee of improvement would you do it or not?
The images are my own'